What is a Direct Control District?
A Direct Control District is a type of customized zoning district that regulates use and development of land and buildings within a specific geographic area. Saskatoon currently has eight Direct Control Districts, including for River Landing (DCD1), Preston Crossing (DCD3), and The Willows (DCD4).
Current Zoning
This is a summary of the current DCD2 regulations. For exact wording, please refer to DCD2 in the Zoning Bylaw.
The objectives of the Direct Control District 2 (DCD2) zoning district are:
i) to provide for a change of use from one- and two-unit dwellings to those uses permitted in an B3 District (Medium Density Arterial Commercial District) or an RM3 District (Medium Density Multiple-Unit Dwelling District) in a controlled and phased manner, cul-de-sac by cul-de-sac from south to north;
ii) to minimize the land use conflicts during the period in which the change in use is being phased in;
iii) to provide for the amenity of the area.
The redevelopment of the area within DCD2 shall occur in an orderly and rational manner, cul-de-sac by cul-de-sac from south to north, commencing with Stanley Place and then proceeding northward in sequence. To facilitate that end, the DCD2 area is divided into five individual development 'sub-units', one for each cul-de-sac. No development shall take place on any sub-unit until a Plan of Subdivision has been registered which consolidates all the lots and the public street and lane comprising the sub-unit.
When a cul-de-sac has been consolidated, that sub-unit may be used and developed based on the zoning regulations of the B3 District or RM3 District, in the development sequence stipulated.
Notwithstanding the other regulations, on property where consolidation has not yet occurred, any use or development is permitted which complies with the zoning provisions of R2 District (Low Density Residential District 2).