This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Natural Infrastructure Fund.
Construction Schedule Update
- Mid-August to Mid-September: Park closed for landscape maintenance and establishment (except play area)
- Between now and mid-September, the contractor will be establishing and maintaining the turf.
- The play area remains open for public use
- Beginning of September: Irrigation work at the Nutana Lawn Bowling Club
- Mid-September: Park opens
- Removal of construction fencing
- Pathway lighting activated
- Park open to public
- Mid-September to Mid-October: Ongoing landscape maintenance
What is the Buena Vista Park Upgrade Project?
Buena Vista Park, located in the Buena Vista neighbourhood, will be receiving upgrades in 2024 as part of the City’s Park Upgrade Program, an ongoing capital project that provides funding for improvements to existing neighbourhood parks to address deficiencies and bring them up to current park standards. The upgrade work in Buena Vista Park is also being funded in part by the Government of Canada's Natural Infrastructure Fund.
What upgrades are being planned?
The upgrades planned for Buena Vista Park Include:
- Upgraded pathways and lights
- New site furniture
- Tree and shrub plantings
- Upgraded irrigation, including the lawn bowling area
Some trees and shrubs may need to be removed to accommodate the updated park infrastructure. However, our main goal is to always leave a park with as many or more trees than when we started.
When will the upgrade work take place?
Construction is estimated to run from May to October 2024.
- May 8 - Contractor to begin installing construction fencing. Pathway entrances and public access through the park will remain open until construction starts.
- Week of May 13 - Construction to begin, starting with the installation of large caliper trees.
- The park will be closed to the public throughout construction and during the establishment of newly planted areas.
- The play area will be accessible to the public until construction is required in the area around the play equipment (date TBD).
- Nutana Lawn Bowling Club will remain open until September 1.
Why does the entire park need to be closed?
Our primary goal with any construction project is public safety. The upgrades involve extensive demolition, excavation and construction that requires heavy equipment and personnel. While some areas may seem unaffected, they are often needed for access and storage during construction. Keeping parts of the park open would significantly increase costs and delay the project.
Why are the basketball court and paddling pool closed?
For public safety. Construction near these areas includes a new water service and irrigation system, necessitating their closure to allow the contractor to work efficiently and store materials safely. The play area will be accessible to the public until construction is required in the area around the play equipment (date TBD).
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to improve Buena Vista Park. More information will be posted to this webpage as the project progresses.