This application was approved by City Council at their meeting on May 31, 2021 (link to minutes).
Saskatoon Land has applied to rezone parcels adjacent to Brighton Boulevard and Shakamohtaa Street, as shown on the map below.
The parcels in question are currently undeveloped and zoned FUD – Future Urban Development District; they are proposed to be rezoned to R2 – One and Two-Unit Residential District and RMTN – Townhouse Residential District.
The purpose of the R2 District is to provide for residential development in the form of one and two-unit dwellings, as well as related community uses. The purpose of the RMTN District is to provide for comprehensively planned low
to medium density multiple-unit dwellings in the form of townhouses, dwelling groups, and other building forms, as well as related community uses.
The proposal would also apply the Holding Symbol (H) to parcels in the Northwest and South of the subject area. The application of the Holding Symbol (H) on these sites would provide for a reduced site area to accommodate the subdivision of the parcels.
The proposed zoning would provide for subdivision and development that aligns with the approved Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan.
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