** May 2022 Update **
This rezoning application will be considered by the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) at their May 31, 2022 meeting. The report that will be considered by MPC can be viewed on its meeting agenda (Item 7.1).
YWCA Saskatoon has applied to the City of Saskatoon to amend the existing Zoning Agreement for 510 25th Street East, location of the existing YWCA and Community Service Village facilities. The purpose of the application is to allow for the construction of a building addition containing up to 18 supportive dwelling units operated by the YWCA, as well as related interior amenity space (programming and play area). The building addition is proposed to be constructed as two floors located above the YWCA’s existing parking lot on the east side of the property (between the existing building and Kinsmen Avenue). See proposed plans on the Site Plan & Drawings tab.
Existing Zoning Agreement
The subject property is currently zoned M3 – General Institutional Service District, subject to a Zoning Agreement. A Zoning Agreement is a legal agreement that establishes site-specific regulations for how a property may be developed and used. See the Background tab for further information on Zoning Agreements.
The existing Zoning Agreement provides for a range of office, institutional, recreational, and community uses at this location, as well as limited provision for residential uses (boarding apartment and hostel units). The Zoning Agreement also contains development standards for the site concerning building setbacks, maximum building height, gross floor area, and parking.
Requested Amendments
In order to allow for the construction of the proposed building addition, amendments to the existing Zoning Agreement for the property are required. This includes adding 18 supportive dwelling units as a permitted use on the property, as well as other adjustments to allow for the building addition in the location proposed.
No changes to the maximum building height for the property (15 metres) or to the minimum number of parking spaces to be provided on-site (90 spaces) are proposed.
Description of Proposal by YWCA
“The YWCA Saskatoon expansion’s purpose is to serve marginalized women and children. The 2-story expansion is comprised of 18 supportive housing units for women and children fleeing trauma, violence or homelessness. The expansion will be staffed 24/7 and will provide inclusive wrap-around supports for clients. The unique modular construction allows for a shorter construction timeline and will allow the current surface parking to remain unchanged.”