Discretionary Use Proposal
Bastion Holdings Ltd. has applied for Discretionary Use approval to develop a Parking Station at 301 Queen Street in the City Park neighbourhood. This site is zoned RM5 - High Density Multiple-Unit Dwelling District under Bylaw No. 8770, 2009 The City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw (Zoning Bylaw). The purpose of the RM5 District is to provide for a variety of residential developments, including those in a high density form, as well as related community uses, and certain limited commercial development opportunities.
The Zoning Bylaw defines defines a Parking Stations as "a site used for the parking of private passenger vehicles when such parking is ancillary to a permitted principal use located on an adjacent or nearby site."
Subject to Discretionary Use approval, 301 Queen Street will be permitted to operate as a Parking Station. The site is currently vacant.
Location Map
Provide Feedback
Questions and comments on this proposal are invited at this time by contacting:
Tyler Kopp, Planner