Discretionary Use Proposal
A Discretionary Use application has been submitted from Maria Montessori Preschool Inc. requesting approval to develop a Day care with a capacity for 90 children at 2221 Hanselman Avenue in the Airport Business Area neighbourhood.
the proposed development will occupy approximately 1,082 square meters (m²) (11,646 square feet) (ft²) of the existing building. A total of 669 m² (7,200 ft²) of on-site outdoor play area will be fenced and located in two designated areas adjacent to building. Prior to operating, the applicant will be required to obtain appropriate licensing and approval from the Ministry of Education, Early Years Branch.
This site is zoned IL1 – General Light Industrial District under Bylaw No. 8770, The City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw. The purpose of the IL1 District is to facilitate economic development through a wide variety of light industrial activities and related businesses that do not create land use conflicts or nuisance conditions during the normal course of operations. Day cares are considered a Discretionary Use in the IL1 District.
Location Map
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