Dream Developments (the applicant) has applied to rezone 109 Secord Way, adjacent to the intersection of Brighton Gate and McOrmond Drive, as shown on the map below. The subject site has also been outlined on the Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan map shown below.
The subject site is currently undeveloped and zoned RMTN1 – Medium Density Townhouse Residential District 1 and is proposed to be rezoned to RM4 – Medium/High Density Multiple-Unit Dwelling District. The purpose of the RM4 District is to provide for a variety of residential developments in a medium to high density form as well as related community uses.
The purpose of the current RMTN1 District is to provide for comprehensively planned medium density multiple-unit dwellings in the form of townhouses, dwelling groups, and other building forms, as well as related community uses. The purpose of the proposed RM4 District is to provide for a variety of residential developments in a medium to high density form as well as related community uses.
The subject site is primarily designed to accommodate the development of a dwelling group. A dwelling group is defined in Zoning Bylaw No. 8770 as a group of two or more detached one-unit dwellings, two-unit dwellings, multiple-unit dwellings, townhouses, boarding houses, boarding apartments, residential care homes, special needs housing, special care homes or combinations thereof occupying the same site, provided that each form of development comprising the dwelling group is otherwise a permitted or discretionary use in the zoning district.
A dwelling group is permitted in both the RMTN1 and the RM4 Districts. Table 1 provides a partial list comparing the minimum development standards for a dwelling group in the current RMTN1 District and the proposed RM4 District as outlined in Zoning Bylaw No. 8770. A full list of land uses and associated regulations for the RMTN1 and RM4 Districts may be found in Zoning Bylaw No. 8770.
Location Maps
Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan