Correction on Public Engagement Notice
Please be advised of an error on Page 2 of the Public Engagement Notice that was mailed to property owners. The subheading that states "Details of the Proposed Day Care" is incorrect and should state "Details of the Proposed Short Term Rental Property".
Discretionary Use Proposal
Richard Gryschuk has applied for Discretionary Use approval to operate a Short-Term Rental Property at 1024 Ave. D N. in the Caswell Hill neighbourhood. This site is zoned R2A – Low Density Residential Infill District under the Zoning Bylaw. The purpose of the R2A District is to provide for residential development in the form of one- to four-unit dwellings, while facilitating certain small-scale conversions and infill developments, as well as related community uses. Short-term Rental Properties are listed as a discretionary use in the R2A District.
The Zoning Bylaw No. 8770, 2009 (Zoning Bylaw) defines a Short-Term Rental Property as a dwelling which is not the principal residence of the host, but is used to provide rental accommodations to guests for tenancies of less than 30 days.
Subject to discretionary Use approval, the proposed Short Term Rental Property would be permitted to host up to 6 guests.
The parking and loading needs will be assessed through the review of the Discretionary Use. A minimum number of spaces may be required based on the parking plan, location, and other relevant factors like the number of employees or expected visitors.
Prior to operating, the applicant will be required to obtain a Commercial Business License.
Location Map
Provide Feedback
If you have any questions or wish to provide written comments to Planning and Development on this application please contact Tyler Kopp by phone at 306-986-3639 or by email at tyler.kopp@saskatoon.ca by 5:00pm on Friday, January 24th, 2025.