The City of Saskatoon has received applications from North Prairie Developments Ltd. to amend the Official Community Plan and rezone 1006 College Drive and 421 Clarence Avenue North in the Varsity View neighbourhood.
The purpose of these applications is to facilitate the development of a 12-story multiple-unit building at this location consisting of:
- 171 residential units within 12 above-grade floors;
- 232 underground vehicle parking spaces, including 21 visitor parking spaces (an increase from 16 originally proposed), along with secure bicycle parking;
- a mix of one and two bedroom units with a range of floor plans;
- units located at-grade with individual street-oriented entrances; and
- vehicle access to the site from the rear lane only.
More information on these applications can be found in the December 18, 2018, Municipal Planning Commission Agenda (item 7.5 Proposed Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning by Agreement - 1006 College Drive and 421 Clarence Avenue North). These applications require approval from City Council.
This matter will be considered by City Council at its meeting on Monday, January 28, 2019 at 6:00 PM in Council Chambers, City Hall. Written submissions to be considered by City Council in their deliberations may be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office in the following ways:
By mail: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council
c/o City Clerk’s Office
222 Third Avenue North
Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5
By email: city.clerks@saskatoon.ca
Online: www.saskatoon.ca/writetocouncil
Written submissions must be received by no later than 10:00 AM on January 28, 2019. You may also address City Council on this matter in person at the time of the Public Hearing at 6:00 PM on January 28, 2019 in the Council Chambers, City Hall.
A Public Information Meeting was held regarding this matter on September 13, 2018. View the North Prairie Developments Ltd. presentation.
A number of concerns were raised with respect to this development proposal and its impact to the area. Responses and additional information relating to these concerns are contained in the Response to Concerns - College & Clarence report.