Policy C10-025 - Public Art
The objectives of the policy are to support the City’s Strategic Plan and Culture Plan by providing quality of life opportunities through art and culture; to increase awareness, understanding and enjoyment of art as part of everyday life in Saskatoon. To encourage and showcase a broad range of artists including Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canadian and international artists; to provide for a diversity of art and artists by encouraging submissions from First Nations, Métis, and new Canadian artists. To create safe public places that encourage authentic intercultural dialogue and interaction; to include public art in designated civic capital projects where it has the greatest benefit; to outline the processes for the acquisition, selection, maintenance, de-accession, monitoring and evaluation of purchased, donated and leased works of art for display in public spaces; and to provide a sustainable funding model for the development, acquisition, maintenance and management of public art for the City of Saskatoon. Defines artist, civic art, community art, copyright, placemaker programs and public art.