Neighbourhood Safety
Safe Growth and CPTED
Neighbourhood Safety uses the philosophy of Safe Growth and the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) to achieve safe growth in the city of Saskatoon. Together they reduce opportunities for crime, improve community perceptions of safety, and strengthen community bonds. CPTED emphasizes the relationship between the immediate physical environment and social behaviours related to crime. CPTED Principles stem from the observed phenomenon that certain "cues" in the physical environment can prompt or prevent undesirable or crime related behaviours. Thoughtful design features, effective use of space, and community involvement can lead to a reduction on the opportunity for crime to occur, and a reduction in the fear of crime.
The City of Saskatoon has embedded safety as a fundamental value in the Official Community Plan and identified a set of CPTED principles to achieve this. These principles are applied to most civic structures, facilities, and developments. CPTED is a tool that addresses crime prevention and citizens' perceptions of their safety in a holistic manner. Engaging residents and other community stakeholders of a neighbourhood or area in safety related activities often leads to practical, effective, and sustainable solutions for safety related problems. Through the Local Area Planning process and regular contact with neighborhoods, safety has been identified as a high priority for The City.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and How to Apply It
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is the reduction of the opportunity for crime to occur and the increase in perceptions of safety in an area through the modification of the built environment and the management of space. The concept applies to both small-scale developments, such as convenience stores, walkways, and parking lots, and to large-scale developments, such as new town centers, schoolyards, linear parks, and neighbourhoods. It can also be applied within buildings and in the areas surrounding them. The CPTED Review Committee is a group consisting of civic staff from multiple departments which uses the Principles of CPTED as a key tool to evaluate City initiated designs of neighbourhoods, parks, buildings, and structures before they are built to ensure that safety is considered throughout the design and construction process.
The Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Guidelines: An Illustrated Guide to Safer Development in Our Community has been created to provide site-planning design advice for seven major categories of urban development commonly found throughout Saskatoon and is based on Safe Growth and the adopted Principles of CPTED. This guidebook is primarily aimed at developers and builders of all levels to help ensure safe growth across Saskatoon and is available for download.
Safety Sections of Local Area Plans
The principles of Safe Growth and CPTED are integrated in the safety sections of most Local Area Plans or exist as separate safety audit reports. The process is the same for each and is a community-centered approach to dealing with crime and perceptions of safety. Community members with local knowledge and experience work with the City and other partners to develop strategies to reduce the opportunity for crime, and improve perceptions of safety.
Community Support Program (Fire Community Support as of July 1, 2024)
During its December 5, 2011, meeting, City Council approved, in principle, the provision of five civilian uniformed Community Support Officers to patrol the Riversdale, Broadway, and Downtown Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) for a two-year term. The pilot program was established to address immediate safety issues based on the Street Activity Baseline Study 2011. At the September 28, 2015, City Council meeting, the Community Support Program (CSP) was made permanent and approved to be operated under the management of the BIDs.
As of July 1, 2024, the management of the CSP has been transferred to the Saskatoon Fire Department, now known as the Fire Community Support (FCS) team. The goal of the FCS program is to blend community outreach and bylaw enforcement. The FCS team routinely patrols and engages with individuals who frequent the business areas, Saskatoon Transit buses and bus terminals, and coordinates support with community support organizations and the Saskatoon Police Service. It is a total approach to community, safety, and wellbeing.
Street Activity Baseline Studies
This research project includes four studies based on city wide surveys of perceptions of crime and safety in Saskatoon. The initial baseline study was commissioned by the City of Saskatoon in 2011 to help develop the Community Support Program. Subsequent updates to the Street Activity Baseline Study occurred in 2013, 2015, and 2018, and were carried out to assess the baseline of street level activity in Saskatoon.
2018 Street Activity Baseline Study Update
This research project was commissioned by the City of Saskatoon to update the Street Activity Baseline Study 2015, a base line study of street level activity in Saskatoon.
The objectives of the study were to examine:
Changes in perceptions since the 2015 study regarding safety and street activity in Saskatoon and the three Business Improvement Districts (BIDs): Downtown, Broadway, and Riversdale; and awareness levels and perceived impact of the Community Support Program (CSP), now known as the Fire Community Support Program. In order to meet these objectives, Insightrix Research employed several research methodologies including the following:
- An online street activity perception survey with Saskatoon residents;
- Intercept interviews with the general public and vulnerable persons in the BIDs of Downtown, Riversdale and Broadway ;
- An online perception survey with businesses (owners, managers/supervisors and employees) in each BID;
- An online survey with service providers;
- Focus groups with vulnerable persons; and,
- In-depth interviews with service providers and member(s) of the Saskatoon Police Service
As with the 2011, 2013 and 2015 studies, it is important to note that this is a perception-based study; meaning that each of the groups examined provided answers based on their own experiences and perceptions. Perceptions are important to understand as they form the basis of residents’ beliefs regarding safety and the impact of the CSP in Saskatoon. Additionally, gaps between perception and reality can be identified so that communication campaigns can be optimized accordingly. The results of this study update provide a basis for future policy and program development.
The Street Activity Steering Committee, which has now been disbanded, used the information in these reports as a basis to propose a number of recommendations for City Council on the effectiveness and impact of the CSP. Any further work on this program will be done through the Fire Community Support program. More information can be found at
2018 Street Activity Baseline Study Update
2015 Street Activity Baseline Study Update
This research project was commissioned by the City of Saskatoon to update the Street Activity Baseline Study 2013, a base line study of street level activity in Saskatoon.
The objectives of the study were to examine:
Changes in perceptions since the 2013 study regarding safety and street activity in Saskatoon and the three Business Improvement Districts (BIDs): Downtown, Broadway, and Riversdale; and awareness levels and perceived impact of the Community Support Program (CSP). In order to meet these objectives, Insightrix Research employed several research methodologies including the following:
• An online street activity and CSP perceptions study with Saskatoon residents;
• Intercept interviews with the general public in each BID as well as vulnerable persons where possible;
• An online perceptions survey with businesses (owners, managers./supervisors, and employees) in each Business Improvement District;
• Three focus groups with organizations that serve those identified as vulnerable persons (The Lighthouse, Crocus Co-0op, and the Salvation Army); and,
• An online perceptions survey with service providers.
As with the 2011 and 2013 studies, it is important to note that this is a perception based study; meaning that each of the groups examined provided answers based on their own perceptions rather than established facts. Perceptions are important to know as they form the basis of residents’ beliefs regarding safety and the impact of the CSP in Saskatoon. Additionally, gaps between perception and reality can be identified in order for communication campaigns to be optimized accordingly.
The results of this study update provide a basis for future policy and program development.
The Street Activity Steering Committee will be using the information in this report to craft a number of recommendations for City Council on the permanence of the CSP.
2013 Street Activity Baseline Study Update
This research project was commissioned by The City of Saskatoon to update the Street Activity Baseline Study 2011, a baseline study of street level activity in Saskatoon.
The objectives of the study were to examine:
Changes in perceptions since the 2011 study regarding safety and street activity in Saskatoon and the three Business Improvement Districts (BIDs): Downtown, Broadway, and Riversdale; and awareness levels and perceived impact of the Community Support Program (CSP). In order to meet these objectives, Insightrix Research employed several research methodologies including the following:
- An online street activity and CSP perceptions study with Saskatoon residents;
- Intercept interviews with the general public and businesses (owners, supervisors, and managers) in the three BIDs;
- A focus group with residents of the Lighthouse Supported Living facility;
- An online bulletin board with service providers; and,
- In-depth interviews with the CSP Officers.
As with the 2011 study, it is important to note that this is a perception based study; meaning that each of the groups examined provided answers based on their own perceptions rather than established facts. Perceptions are important to know as they form the basis of residents’ beliefs regarding safety and the impact of the CSP in Saskatoon. Additionally, gaps between perception and reality can be identified in order for communication campaigns to be optimized accordingly. The results of this study update provide a basis for future policy and program development.
The Street Activity Steering Committee has used the information in this report to craft a number of recommendations for City Council on the extension of the Community Support Program Pilot project.
2011 Street Activity Baseline Study
This research was commissioned by the City of Saskatoon to establish a baseline for the study of street level activity in Saskatoon. The results of this study can be used to establish future programs needed to address the issues surrounding street activity that are experienced when there is significant growth in a city. This report details the results of the study. It provides a basis for future policy and program development, many of which likely spread across multiple levels of government.
The study included an on-line survey of Saskatoon residents (621) which matched the demographics of the city, a focus group and interviews with panhandlers, interviews with business owners/operators, intercept surveys with the public in the areas of concern, interviews with local social service providers, and research on what was happening in other municipalities in Canada and abroad.
Finally, this video was produced that includes a variety of “on the street” interviews and statistics from the report. The Panhandling Task Force has utilized the information in this report to craft a number of recommendations for City Council.
Street Activity Baseline Study