Local Area Planning
Local Area Planning gives residents an active role in determining the future of their neighbourhood. Residents, business owners, property owners, community groups and other stakeholders form a partnership with the City of Saskatoon to develop goals and strategies aimed at improving the long-term success of their community.
What are Local Area Plans (LAPs)?
LAPs are a public, participation-based approach to developing comprehensive neighbourhood plans that enable residents, business owners, property owners, community groups and other stakeholders to provide direct input into determining the future of their community. LAPs set out objectives and policies that guide the growth and development of Saskatoon neighbourhoods.
During the development of a LAP, participants work together to identify issues, develop goals and outline strategies to ensure the long-term success of their neighbourhood. By working together with the City of Saskatoon, through guidance of the Planning and Development Division, participants make recommendations to City Administration and City Council in the LAP.
Neighbourhood Safety is a significant component of the LAP. Using the principles of Safe Growth and CPTED, the Safety section of the LAP develops a community-centered approach to crime and perception of safety. Community members with local knowledge and experience work with the City to develop strategies to reduce the opportunity for crime, and improve perception of safety.
Plans Being Implemented
Airport Industrial Local Area Plan
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Airport Industrial Local Area Plan December 2, 2002.
Caswell Hill Local Area Plan
The South Caswell Redevelopment is another project that affects planning in Caswell Hill.
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Caswell Hill Local Area Plan November 5, 2001.
City Park Local Area Plan
Final Report to Council
Mendel Site Safety Audit
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the City Park Local Area Plan April 26, 2010.
Exhibition Local Area Plan
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Exhibition Local Area Plan September 28, 2020.
Junction Improvement Strategy
The Junction is located at the cross section of three Saskatoon neighbourhoods, Pleasant Hill, Riversdale, and West Industrial, separated by the CP Rail line. Its proximity to larger redevelopment projects such as the Pleasant Hill Village, Monarch Yards, Station 20 West and increased interest by the private sector for redevelopment triggered the need for a comprehensive concept plan for the area.
The Junction Improvement Strategy outlines City improvements and land use plans in the area immediately surrounding Pleasant Hill Village, such as:
- Pedestrian safety improvements at intersections along 20th Street and elsewhere.
- Streetscape improvements along 20th Street.
- Lands across the rail tracks to the south transitioning away from heavy industrial use.
- Building the multi-use pathway along the CP Rail line to connect to Downtown and beyond
King George Local Area Plan
Final Report to Council
Addendum to the Final Report
King George Neighbourhood Safety Report
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the King George Local Area Plan June 4 2001.
Mayfair & Kelsey-Woodlawn Local Area Plan
Final Report to Council
Summary Report
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Mayfair & Kelsey-Woodlawn Local Area Plan June 22, 2015.
Meadowgreen Local Area Plan
Final Report to Council
Summary Report
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Meadowgreen Local Area Plan June 26, 2017.
Montgomery Place Local Area Plan
Final Report to Council
Summary Report
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Montgomery Place Local Area Plan November 19, 2018.
Montgomery Place Historical Walking Tour
The creation of the Montgomery Place Historical Walking Tour was set in motion by a recommendation from the Montgomery Place Local Area Plan. The Neighbourhood Planning Section partnered with the Montgomery Place Community Association to showcase places of interest and historical significance in the neighbourhood.
Nutana Local Area Plan
Final Report to Council
Nutana Neighbourhood Safety Report
Broadway 360 Development Plan
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Nutana Local Area Plan September 24, 2001.
Pleasant Hill Local Area Plan
Final Report to Council
Addendum to the Final Report
Pleasant Hill Neighbourhood Safety Plan
Riversdale Local Area Plan
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Riversdale Local Area Plan May 20, 2008.
Sutherland Local Area Plan
Final Report to Council
Sutherland Neighbourhood Safety Report
Central Avenue Master Plan
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Sutherland Local Area Plan February 8, 1999.
Varsity View Local Area Plan
Final Report to Council
Summary Report
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Varsity View Local Area Plan March 31, 2014.
Warehouse District Local Area Plan
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Warehouse District Local Area Plan October 7, 2002.
West Industrial Local Area Plan
Final Report to Council
Proposed Zoning Changes Map
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the West Industrial Local Area Plan July 19, 2004.
Westmount Local Area Plan
City of Saskatoon City Council adopted the Westmount Local Area Plan June 27, 2011.