Long Range Planning - Sector Plans
Sector Plans provide a broad framework for future urban development and include the location and size of future neighbourhoods, employment areas, parks, and significant natural areas. City services are planned, new neighbourhood concept plans are developed, land use designations and rezoning applications are evaluated, and amendments to the City boundary are based on the framework provided by Sector Plans.
Saskatoon is divided into Sectors, with one Industrial Growth Area outside the Core. Each Sector has combined neighbourhoods creating quadrants of approximately 70,000 people. In order to manage growth efficiently, a Sector Plan study is completed to create the overlying vision for each Sector.
Sector Plans have three main purposes:
to enhance the City of Saskatoon's vision in the Official Community Plan to develop a Sector;
to establish a layout for the preparation of future Concept Plans to ensure growth proceeds in a balanced, compact, contiguous manner; and
to identify key land uses and servicing components that will need to be addressed in detail during the Concept Plan process.
Sector Plans provide a broad framework for future urban development and include the location and size of future neighbourhoods, employment areas, parks, and significant natural areas.
Sector Plans are preliminary planning studies and are future oriented. No specific timeframe for development is applied to Sector Plans.
University Sector Plan
The University of Saskatchewan has nearly 1,000 acres of endowment land located within five kilometers of downtown Saskatoon. These important lands provide critical resources that strategically support the university’s teaching, learning and research mission.
In 2008 a land-use task force was formed, bringing together the University of Saskatchewan, the City of Saskatoon, Meewasin Valley Authority and the Province of Saskatchewan, to create ‘Vision 2057.’‘Vision 2057’, in alignment with the City of Saskatoon’s growth plan and strategic infill initiatives, identifies university endowment lands that are suitable for commercial and residential development opportunities, along with the creation of multi-use community facilities, parks and open spaces, and also preserves abundant space for learning and research activities.
Recognizing the importance of developing these lands in a sustainable way that benefits everyone in Saskatoon, the City and University recently entered a Memorandum of Understanding to develop a University Sector Plan for the area. Developing the Plan involved consultation with community partners and stakeholders, and it provides the framework within which the area will be planned and developed.
The result of this partnership and outreach, the University Sector Plan, is a shared vision of land use and development that will have a positive impact for the city, its residents and the University community.
University Sector Plan
Related Documents:
University Sector Plan - Question and Answer
University Sector Plan - Location Plan
University Sector Plan Engagement Boards - January 2019 Come & Grow
University Sector Plan Natural Area Screening
Riel Industrial Sector Plan
In 2015, City Council approved the Riel Industrial Sector Plan (formerly the North Sector Plan) that provides a broad framework for future urban development in the area. This includes, among other things, direction on land uses, parks and significant natural areas, servicing and transportation planning, and development phasing. Unlike most sectors, the Riel Industrial Sector is comprised of Employment Areas. These Employment Areas provide jobs, goods, and services for Saskatoon and the surrounding region.
Since 2015, several City policies, bylaws, and plans have changed or been approved. To ensure development in the Sector aligns with the City’s vision for growth and development, an amendment to the Sector Plan is needed. City Administration introduced the Riel Industrial Sector Plan Amendment project through an Information Report to the City’s Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services (PDCS) on August 9, 2023. Administration intends to bring forward the plan amendment for City Council’s consideration in 2025.
The Riel Industrial Sector Plan Amendment study area is approximately 1,908 hectares (4,715 acres), divided by Highways 11 and 12. The west side of the study area includes the North West Development Area, bordered by Highway 16, Highway 12, and the future Saskatoon Freeway. The east side of the study area includes the North Development Area bordered by Highway 11, the South Saskatchewan River, Saskatoon Freeway, Penner Road, and Wanuskewin Heritage Park. Both sides of the study area are connected by 71st Street.
Visit the City’s engage page for more information on the Riel Industrial Sector Plan Amendment project.
Related Documents and Pages:
Riel Industrial Sector Plan - Nov 2015
Admin Report to PDCS – Riel Industrial Sector Plan Amendment – Aug 2023
Natural Area Screening – Riel Industrial Sector Plan Amendment – Sep 2023
Saskatoon Industrial Market Study – Riel Industrial Sector Plan Amendment – Feb 2024
University Heights Sector Plan
The University Heights Sector is located in the northeast area of Saskatoon. It is bounded by the University of Saskatchewan Kernen Farm to the east, by the South Saskatchewan River on the west, and by the Perimeter Highway on the northeast.
The University Heights Sector includes a mix of residential neighbourhoods, a suburban centre, an employment area, University lands, the Northeast Swale, as well as two currently neighbourhood's under development (Evergreen and Aspen Ridge), as well as one additional future residential neighbourhood, two district commercial sites, and an additional employment area.
The University Heights Sector Plan was approved by Saskatoon City Council on October 7th, 2013.
Related Documents:
Aspen Ridge Neighbourhood Concept Plan
Evergreen Neighbourhood Concept Plan
North Commuter Parkway and Bridge
Meewasin Valley Authority Northeast Swale Master Plan - 2015
Northeast Swale Development Guidelines - 2012
Holmwood Sector Plan
The Holmwood Sector study area includes the lands that make up the Holmwood Suburban Development Area plus additional lands east of the City limits (within the RM of Corman Park) adjacent to the Perimeter Highway alignment. The Holmwood Sector is located east of Rosewood, Briarwood, College Park East, Arbor Creek, Willowgrove, Evergreen, and the Canadian Pacific Railway's Right of Way; south of Agra (Fleury) Road; west and north of the Perimeter Highway.
The Holmwood Sector has land sufficient for five neighbourhood development areas, a suburban centre, business park, two regional commercial sites and a suburban centre commercial site. It is estimated 70,000 people could live in this Sector at full build-out. One neighbourhood, Brighton, is currently under development in the Holmwood Sector.
The Holmwood Sector Plan was approved by Saskatoon City Council on April 16, 2012.
Related Documents:
Holmwood Sector Plan
Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan
East Sector Fall Vegetation and Wildlife Survey
Attachment 1 - East Sector Feasibility Study, 2006
Attachment 2 - East Sector Natural Area Screening Study, 2011
Attachment 3 - Holmwood East Natural Area Screening Study, 2015
Blairmore Sector Plan
The Blairmore Sector is on the west side of Saskatoon. It is located west of Hampton Village, Dundonald, Confederation Park, Pacific Heights, Parkridge, and Montgomery Place.
The Blairmore Sector includes the existing Blairmore Urban Centre and CN Yards Management Area, as well as the currently under-development Kensington neighbourhood. The Sector is expected to include sufficient land for seven additional residential neighbourhoods, a mixed-use Corridor Growth Area, an additional Urban Centre, and an industrial employment area. At full build-out, the Sector is expected to accommodate over 75,000 residents and over 20,000 jobs. Notable natural areas within the Sector include two afforestation areas and the West Swale.
The original Blairmore Sector Plan (formerly West Sector Plan) was approved by Saskatoon City Council on November 29, 2004. An amendment was approved on March 7, 2011. The current Blairmore Sector Plan was approved by City Council on July 31, 2024.
Related Documents:
Kensington Neighbourhood Concept Plan
Blairmore Sector Natural Area Screening Study
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area Natural Area Management Plan