What is the Project About?
The North Saskatoon Network Planning Study will assist with planning transportation network needs on the major roads in the study area. The fundamental question considered in the study is how intersections connecting to the provincial highway system are configured: as grade-separated interchanges or at-grade intersections.
This study involves an update to the North Saskatoon Network Planning Study that was completed in 2019. Since 2019, conceptual design work on the Saskatoon Freeway has been completed requiring an update to the North Saskatoon Network Planning Study to reflect the new information on interchanges, land use, etc.
Why are we doing this work?
The 2024 North Saskatoon Network Planning Study will determine the future transportation network needs for the major roads in the north industrial area of Saskatoon. The study will also establish how the transportation network will connect to the provincial highway system and the future Saskatoon Freeway.
What are the goals for the project?
The goals of this project are to:
- To develop an urban form and land use pattern that will promote transportation options and be accessible to all users, encourage walking, cycling, and public transit use, and help to promote a balanced transportation network that meets the needs of Saskatoon’s residents and visitors.
- To support the economy of the Saskatoon region by providing a transportation network that supports the movement of people and goods throughout the city and region.
- To plan a street network for all modes of travel that support the movement of people of all ages and levels of mobility in all seasons of the year, while integrating the street environment with existing and future land uses.
How does the project relate to the Riel Industrial Sector?
The road network and access plans developed through the North Saskatoon Network Planning Study will be incorporated into the ongoing planning work for the Riel Industrial Sector Plan Amendment.