School Tours
Come for a visit! Saskatoon Light & Power (SL&P) offers tours of our Electrical Operations Centre.
The tour features presentations on electricity generation, interactive demonstrations of electrical metering, linemen’s tools and pole climbing, electrical safety, and various electrical discharges including Jacob’s Ladder high-voltage arc.
Students will learn what electricity is, how to be safe around it, and how our electrical system can be smart and sustainable.
They will also learn about the environmental, social, and economic impacts of electricity use in Saskatoon, and ways to reduce those impacts.
SL&P Staff Share Their Stories
Linemen, electricians, and electrical technologists lead the tours, giving students the opportunity to hear real life stories and experiences, while exploring the trades that work in an electrical utility and learning about career opportunities.
Grades & Accommodations
The tours are tied to curriculum outcomes for Grades 6 through 9, but are appropriate for students of any age above Grade 4. Accommodation for students with sensory considerations can be made upon request.
Book Your Tour
Use the form below or call 306-975-2414, option 0.
The SL&P Electrical Operations Centre is located at 322 Brand Road in Saskatoon.
Book your tour early! There is limited availability for tours in May and June.