Preliminary 2024 year-end financials: City expects surplus from civic operations budget
On March 5, 2025, the City of Saskatoon will present the Preliminary Year-End Financial Results for the year ending December 31, 2024, to the Standing Policy Committee on Finance.
“I am pleased to report that the City’s preliminary 2024 year-end financial results indicate a surplus of $12.27 million, representing a 1.96% favourable variance from our approved civic budget,” says Clae Hack, Chief Financial Officer. “The City’s investment portfolio performed better than expected and contributed $9.14 million to this surplus, thanks to stronger interest rates and higher bond returns than originally planned in the budget.”
After accounting for the $9.14 million investment income surplus, the remaining civic operating budget realized a surplus of $3.13 million, equivalent to a 0.50% variance from the approved civic budget of $626.18 million. Some of the other key variances in 2024 that contributed to this surplus include: (Appendix 2 provides a detailed overview of all operating budget variances in 2024)
Transit Operations generated a $4.96 million surplus:
- Transit revenues were $2.10 million higher than anticipated due to increased ridership and higher than expected UPass revenue.
- in addition, Transit had expenditure savings of $2.86 million primarily due to fuel and salary savings and vacant positions.
Administration engaged to find corporate-wide savings of $4.87 million:
- to help offset budgetary pressures, Administration gained favourable savings in staff training and travel, staff vacancies, materials, office supplies and other expenditures among the Civic Operating or Property Tax supported Business Lines.
Offset by a $6.48 million deficit in the Snow & Ice Management program:
- activation of the Roadways Emergency Snow Response Plan (ERP) in March 2024 resulted in a $5.50 million deficit.
- 9 additional snow events in 2024 compared to the annual budgeted number of 5 to 6 snow events, caused an additional $980,000 overage.
“Administration recommends that the majority of the 2024 surplus be allocated to the City’s Fiscal Stabilization Reserve, which has been heavily relied upon in recent years,” Hack adds. “We recommend transferring funds to bring the Fiscal Stabilization Reserve to $17.04 million, leaving $6.90 million in the Snow and Ice Management Contingency Reserve. This allocation will help offset future operating budget deficits or other unforeseen challenges that may arise in the coming years.”
Utilities 2024 Year-End Results: Details Appendix 3
The following City Utility surpluses or deficits were realized in 2024, resulting in an overall $10.73 million surplus or 2.46% positive variance from the approved budget:
- Water Utility reported a year-end surplus of $5.80 million.
- Wastewater Utility reported a year-end surplus of $4.10 million.
- Waste Services Utility reported a year-end surplus of $757,018.
- Storm Water Management Utility reported a year-end surplus of $220,129.
- Saskatoon Light & Power (SL&P) reported a deficit of $145,820.
The recommendations on the allocation of the surplus funds in 2024 are subject to the confirmation of the City’s year-end financial status as conducted by the annual external accountant’s audit process. The City’s 2024 Annual Report will be next released this summer.
The City of Saskatoon is committed to ongoing financial transparency, accountability and sound financial management. This is evidenced in its historically stable budgetary performance; the City has retained the ‘AAA’/Stable credit rating for twenty-three years, since S&P first began affirming the City’s credit rating in 2002.
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