Grading begins tonight to improve mobility on residential streets with severe rutting
Mild temperatures over the past couple of days are creating deep ruts on some residential streets. City and contractor crews are shifting their focus to shaving down the deep ruts where people are getting stuck or there’s a risk of damage to vehicles.
Beginning this evening, graders will start to shave the top layers of ruts on residential streets with severe rutting and store the snow in the parking lane. Snow removal may only occur in areas where there is no room to store the snow.
“To open up these streets quickly for residents, we need to move fast,” says Terry Schmidt, General Manager of Construction and Transportation. “Colder temperatures are coming soon which will make grading harder for us.”
Grading will be done by neighbourhood starting on the streets where the ruts are at least 15 centimetres deep, making it challenging for smaller vehicles. We will go around parked cars but encourage people to move vehicles if there is off-street parking available.
On streets with heavy on-street parking that are too narrow for our equipment, we will post No Parking signs in advance and relocate vehicles left on the street.
The work will occur day and night and we hope to complete all severely rutted streets within the next two weeks. This may be extended if there is a snow event that requires some staff to address priority street grading.
While grader operators attempt to keep driveways unobstructed, short snow ridges may be left behind. The location may be inspected for clearing if it completely blocks a vehicle from accessing the driveway.
Starting tomorrow, regular updates will be provided on with neighbourhood locations. Note that grading will accommodate garbage and recycling collection schedules. Thank you for your patience and leaving space for our operators and equipment to safely do their work.