City-wide Green Cart program helps improve waste diversion rate by nearly 10 per cent in first year of operation
The City of Saskatoon is proud to announce the successful completion of the first year of its city-wide curbside organics program. Since its launch in May 2023, the Green Cart program has contributed to a notable increase in the City’s waste diversion rate, which has risen from 23.5 per cent to 33.3 per cent. This is the first significant increase in a decade, highlighting the program’s impact on the City’s waste diversion efforts.
“We are incredibly pleased with the community's response to the Green Cart program and the substantial increase in our diversion rates,” says Brendan Lemke, Director of Water & Waste Operations. “Moving forward, we will continue to refine and improve the program, which includes a proposal to adjust collection frequencies to better meet seasonal needs and address the remaining diversion potential in black carts.”
On Tuesday, June 4, Council’s Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services (EU&CS) will hear details of the Green Cart program's performance.
The Solid Waste Reduction and Diversion Plan projected that the annual diversion from green carts would be between 15,000 and 22,000 tonnes per year. Since program launch, more than 20,452 tonnes of organic waste have successfully been diverted from the landfill. Diverting organics from landfill reduces Greenhouse Gas emissions. The Green Cart program avoided 13,374 tonnes of CO2e that would have been released as methane gas if the same materials were landfilled. This is the equivalent of removing 2,972 passenger cars from the roadway.
There is still opportunity to increase the City’s diversion rates; however. Recent waste characterization audits reveal that the average black cart still contains approximately 33 per cent organic material. The City will continue its education campaigns to improve green cart use, ensuring residents are well-informed about the benefits and proper practices of organic waste diversion.
There were also noted seasonal variations in the program's performance. During winter months, set-out rates and the amount of collected organic waste were significantly lower.
To optimize efficiency and service delivery, Administration is recommending a reduction in the winter collection frequency to once every four weeks between December 1 and March 31 each year. This option is expected to provide savings of $162,000 annually and the adjustment in service could begin December 2024. No change in collection frequency during the spring/summer/fall season is being recommended at this time.
To learn more about the Green Cart program, visit