McQuarries Tea and Coffee Merchants
- Regular
Description of the Historic Place
McQuarries Tea and Coffee Merchants (also known as the Broadway Bakery) is a two storey building that was constructed in 1926. Located at 708 Broadway Avenue in the neighbourhood of Nutana, the building is representative of a commercial/residential building in the 1920s.
Heritage Value
Formerly the Broadway Bakery, the heritage value of McQuarries Tea and Coffee Merchants resides in its built form. The building features a castellated roofline with wood coping and an angled (pointed arch) in the centre. The building still has the original configuration of display windows and inset door. The original transom is present, with the glazing painted over. The building has newer plate-glass windows and an older door that is not original. There is an older fabric awning over the display window/door.
The McQuarries Tea and Coffee Merchants' building was originally built with retail space on the ground level, with a residence on the second floor. The building operated in many retail capacities over the years, and in 1944 became the Broadway Bakery. The bakery was renowned for its European-style breads and pastries. In 1975 McQuarries Tea and Coffee Merchants moved into 708 Broadway Avenue.
McQuarries Tea and Coffee Merchants adds to the character of Broadway Avenue.
Source: History of 708 Broadway Avenue - Eleanor Kennedy; City of Saskatoon Built Heritage Database
Character Defining Elements
Key elements which contribute to the heritage value of this historic resource include:
- Those features that represent its commercial history and reflect the character of Broadway Avenue including its form, scale and massing, its castellated parapet roofline and transom.