The Planning and Development Department has received an application from Northstar Innovative Developments Inc. proposing to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) Land Use Map and rezone a portion of 1902 Broadway Ave. This amendment aims to establish a consistent zoning district on the site to accommodate future development.
1. Proposed OCP Land Use Map Amendment – From Residential to Neighbourhood Node
All property in the City of Saskatoon is assigned a land use designation under the OCP. Land use designations establish the general use and character of a site or area to help ensure that development takes place in an orderly, rational manner. Each land use designation is distinct in its purpose and density/intensity of use.
1902 Broadway Ave is currently designated a mix of “Residential” and “Neighbourhood Node”. The applicant has applied to redesignate the southern portion of the site from “Residential” to “Neighbourhood Node” to align it with the existing land use designation of the northern portion of the site.
Land designated as “Residential” has the potential for residential development and community uses compatible within a neighbourhood setting. Land designated as “Neighbourhood Node” has the potential for a mix of low density residential, commercial, institutional, and community uses that are compatible within a neighbourhood setting. Neighbourhood Nodes serve the basic needs of the surrounding one to three neighbourhoods, providing a focal point of commercial development. These are to be walkable, pedestrian-friendly sites typically located near major intersections and served by collector streets.
2. Proposed Rezoning
1902 Broadway Ave is currently undeveloped and is split zoned as R2 – Low Density Residential District 2 and B2 – District Commercial District. The applicant is proposing to rezone the southern portion of the site to B2 – District Commercial District to align with the existing zoning of the northern portion of site. The purpose of the B2 District is to provide an intermediate range of commercial uses to serve the needs of two to five neighbourhoods.