Discretionary Use Proposal
Ini-Obong Alagbe has applied for Discretionary Use approval to operate a Day Care Centre at 108 Delaronde Rd. in the Lakeview neighbourhood.
This site is zoned R1A - Low Density Residential District 1A under the Zoning Bylaw. The purpose of the R1A district is to provide for residential development in the form of one-to four-unit dwellings as well as related community uses. Day Cares are listed as a discretionary use in the R1A District.
Subject to discretionary Use approval, the proposed Day Care will have a capacity for up to 29 children at any given time.
Day cares must provide at least 7m² of outdoor play space for each person under the age of 13. At least 3.5m² per person must be located on-site and fenced. The remaining area can be located at a nearby location provided they obtain Ministry of Education approval.
The parking and loading needs will be assessed through the review of the Discretionary Use. A minimum number of spaces may be required based on the parking plan, location, and other relevant factors like the number of employees or expected visitors.
Prior to operating, the applicant will be required to obtain appropriate licensing and approval from the Ministry of Education, Early Years and Childcare Branch.
Location Map
Provide Feedback
Questions and comments on this proposal are invited at this time by contacting:
Tyler Kopp, Planner