Agendas, Minutes and Meeting Video
Agendas are typically posted by 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday of the week immediately preceding the meeting. Minutes posted following the meeting are not considered official until approved at the next meeting, and may be subject to change. To view Agendas, Minutes and Video, please select the appropriate icon below.
As of August 1, 2020 the meeting management software no longer supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. It is recommended to use an alternate browser, such as Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari.
Meeting dates scheduled can be found under the Events Calendar.
Archived agendas and minutes prior to April 2016 can be found under Council and Boards & Committees.
Upcoming and Past Council and Committee Meetings
Meeting Site Notes
Note for the following meeting sites:
- July 20, 2016 - Governance and Priorities Public Meeting - Video for this meeting is not available.
- May 29, 2017 SPC on Planning, Development and Community Services - There is no audio on the first portion of the meeting.
- July 26, 2017 Public Hearing Meeting of City Council - There is no video for this meeting.
- August 15, 2017 SPC on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services - In accordance with The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 28(1) there are redacted portions of the video which identified individuals who did not provide consent to the speaker to have their personal information shared publicly.
- September 11, 2017 SPC on Transportation - Video is not available until item 7.2.2.
- September 25, 2017 Regular Business Meeting of City Council - Meeting video split and last half of meeting is tied to the September 25, 2017 Public Hearing Meeting.
- November 6, 2017 SPC on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services - Video not available for first part of meeting.
- March 4, 2019 - SPC on Environment, Utilities & Corporate Services – Video for this meeting is not available.
- March 4, 2019 - SPC on Transportation – There is no video portion for this meeting, only audio available.
- April 15, 2019 - Governance and Priorities Public Meeting - no video available for Rise and Report of items 13.1 through 13.6.
- July 29, 2019 - Regular Business Meeting of City Council - no video available for Rise and Report of items 17.1 through 17.3
- September 23, 2019 - Governance and Priorities Public Meeting - no video available for Rise and Report of items 12.1 through 12.8.
- March 16, 2020 - Special IN CAMERA Board of Police Commissioners Meeting has been cancelled.
- April 26, 2022 - Municipal Planning Commission - Video for this meeting is not available.
- June 16, 2022 - Board of Police Commissioners - Video has no audio.
- November 18, 2022 - Public Art Advisory Committee - Video for this meeting is not available.
- October 12, 2023 - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee - Audio is not available for the first portion of meeting.
Public Meetings and Searching
- City Council and its Committees hold in-person meetings, including public attendance. Virtual attendance is also accommodated.
- Public are encouraged to follow Council and Committee meeting using the live stream if not able to attend in person.
- For submissions, please use the Submit a Letter/Request to Speak to Council and Committees form, noting the deadlines.
- If you are requesting to speak in your submission, you will be contacted by a representative of the City Clerk's Office with further information.
- SEARCH - Use the search tool below to search agendas and minutes of meetings held since 2016 using key words. Please visit the Council Archives (for meetings held up to 2016) and Committee Archives (for meetings held up to 2017) .
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