Official Community Plan
The Official Community Plan (OCP) is our collective long-term vision for Saskatoon, guiding the physical, environmental, economic, social and cultural development of our community. It provides both inspiration and direction through a comprehensive policy framework to ensure the community's vision for Saskatoon is integrated in to all aspects of planning, decision-making and priority-setting for the City.
The direction and goals outlined in the OCP are entrenched in law and recognized under the authority of the Planning and Development Act, 2007. The OCP works in conjunction with the City's Strategic Plan and Multi-Year Business Plan and Budgeting process to create a strategic framework for how priorities are set and how the City achieves its goals.
Official Community Plan Redesign
City Council unanimously approved a new OCP for Saskatoon in June 2020, followed by provincial approval in August 2020. The newly redesigned OCP consolidates and entrenches the direction provided in over fifty civic plans and policies that City Council has approved over the last several years including:
Saskatoon Speaks
Plan for Growth
Strategic Plan
City Centre Plan
Culture Plan
Recreation and Parks Master Plan
Active Transportation Plan
Green Infrastructure Strategy
Heritage Plan
Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth
All of these initiatives included extensive public consultation, as illustrated in the 'By the Numbers' Infographic:
Committee & Council Reports
Official Community Plan Housekeeping Amendment Package - December 2022
Official Community Plan Video
Official Community Plan