February 16 – Final rut shaving in neighbourhoods, returning to skipped streets
With only a couple of neighbourhoods in progress, the neighbourhood rut shaving is nearly complete. City and contractor crews are returning to the residential streets that were skipped during the first round in their area due to heavy on-street parking. These streets are expected to be finished by the end of the weekend. Back lane ruts are also being addressed starting this week. Find more information at saskatoon.ca/snow.
Skipped residential streets
Individual streets that were too narrow for graders to enter due to parked vehicles will have No Parking signs posted along the street, the day prior. This work will occur during the daytime only when fewer people will be at home with their vehicle, and are less likely to need to plug their vehicle because temperatures are milder. If a vehicle remains on the street that is scheduled for rut shaving, it may be towed to a nearby street.
Back lane ruts
City grader teams have started levelling work in severely rutted back lanes during daytime hours. Once contractor crews finish up rut shaving through neighbourhoods and address the skipped streets over the weekend, more resources will be added to back lane levelling.
Priority street snow removal
Snow removal on priority streets started back up last night and will continue each night. As this work moves into priority 2 and 3 streets, No Parking signs will be posted so that equipment can haul out the snow. Once all rut shaving is completed, additional resources will be moved to snow removal on priority streets.
Thank you for your patience and for leaving space for our operators and equipment to safely do their work.
Find progress and frequently asked questions, visit saskatoon.ca/snow.