Zoning Bylaw
The purpose of the M4 District is to facilitate a wide range of institutional, office, and community activities, as well as high density residential uses within and near the downtown.
Restaurants and lounges are currently permitted to be located within buildings in this zone used as a hotel, motel, office, medical clinic, art gallery, or museum under certain conditions (noted in the table below), and restaurants are permitted in commercial dwelling conversions.
Principal Building Use
Provisions for Accessory Restaurants and Lounges
Hotel or motel
No such use shall be permitted to include drive-through access;
Any outdoor seating area shall not exceed 93m2.
Office or medical clinic
No such use shall be permitted in a building having a gross floor area less than 930m2 used for office purposes;
The total floor area devoted to all accessory uses shall not exceed 10% of the gross floor area of the building;
No such use shall be permitted to include drive-through access;
Any outdoor seating area shall not exceed 93m2.
Art gallery or museum
No such use shall be permitted to include drive-through access;
Any outdoor seating area shall not exceed 93m2.
Restaurants and lounges are not currently permitted within buildings used as a multiple-unit dwelling. Confectionaries, drug stores, and pharmacies are permitted as accessory commercial uses within multiple-unit dwellings provided that: any such use has access only from within the interior of the building; any such use is located on ground level; any such use has a floor area no greater than 56m2; and the building has at least 100 dwelling units.
The Zoning Bylaw provides the following definitions:
"Restaurant" means a place where the primary source of business is the provision of food prepared and served to patrons seated at tables or counters, in a motor vehicle on the premises, or for off-site consumption, and may include a drive-through service.
"Lounge" means a room or area adjoining a restaurant set aside for the sale of beverage alcohol for consumption on the remises, with or without food, and where no area has been set aside for live dancing or entertainment, either in the lounge or in the adjoining restaurant. The area of the lounge may not exceed 50% of the public assembly area in the adjoining restaurant.
"Dwelling, multiple unit" means a building or portion thereof designed for or occupied as three or more dwelling units, but not including a motel, hotel, converted dwelling, street townhouse or townhouse.
While taverns and night clubs would not be permitted to locate in multiple-unit dwellings on the subject properties, definitions of these land uses are provided below for information and to further clarify the function of a "lounge" under the Zoning Bylaw.
"Tavern" means an establishment, or portion thereof, where the primary business is the sale of beverage alcohol for consumption on the premises, with or without food, and where no live entertainment or dance floor is permitted. A brew pub may be considered a tavern if beverage alcohol is manufactured and consumed on site under a valid manufacturer’s permit in accordance with the Alcohol Control Regulations.
"Night club" means an establishment or portion thereof, where primarily evening or night time entertainment is provided, where beverage alcohol may be served to patrons for consumption on the premises, with or without food, and where a designated area for live entertainment or dancing during certain hours of operation is also provided. A brew pub may be considered a night club if beverage alcohol is manufactured and consumed on site under a valid manufacturer’s permit in accordance with the Alcohol Control Regulations.