What Did We Ask?
The City of Saskatoon engaged with community partners, schools, parents, caregivers, and others on the elimination of child fares for Saskatoon Transit.
Engagement activities included:
- Jurisdictional scan with other transit agencies managed by the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) and summary of the experience from the City of Regina Transit
- Meetings and a survey for elementary school administration
- Information session and a survey for Saskatoon Transit employee groups and meetings with ATU Local 615 executive
- Submission from Bus Riders of Saskatoon with their recommendations
- Facilitated information sessions and a survey for community groups
- Online public survey for riders, residents, families and the City of Saskatoon’s Citizens Advisory Panel
What we heard
The Saskatoon Transit - Implementing Free Child Fare "What We Heard" Report is now available. The report summarizes the feedback gathered through meetings, information sessions and public surveys.
On June 26, 2024, City Council adopted the following:
- That the Administration be directed to pursue Option 1A Children in Grade 8 and under ride free;
- That the Administration be directed to pursue Option 2A Children self-verify to ride free;
- That the City Solicitor be directed to make the necessary amendments to The Transit Fares Bylaw, 2004, as outlined in the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation from June 4, 2024 report; and
- That the Administration provide a report back after one year of the implementation of the free child fare program.
Next Steps
Effective September 1, 2024, children in grade 8 and under ride Saskatoon Transit and Access Transit for free. Subscribe to our e-mail list for updates on Free Child Fare for Saskatoon Transit.