Snow Event #1 – Roadways Winter Maintenance Operations
Saskatoon received approximately 15 centimetres of snow since it began to fall yesterday afternoon. The snow accumulation, combined with strong winds, has created heavy snow cover, snow drifting and has reduced lanes on Saskatoon’s streets and sidewalks.
City and contractor crews worked through the night plowing and grading snow from the driving lanes of Circle Drive and other expressways and major arterial roads to maintain safety and mobility.
This morning, crews will complete all Priority 1 streets and move into collector streets through all neighbourhoods. Additional equipment will be monitoring and addressing localized heavy drifting. Sanding will continue and sidewalks, bridge walkway and pathway clearing will begin.
Six plows, 27 City and contractor graders, 19 sanders, six sidewalk plows and numerous smaller pieces of equipment will be working today to grade streets and sidewalks of snow and apply de-icing materials.
Please keep back when you see blue and amber flashing lights to let road equipment complete their pass.
What you can expect from us
Once the snow stops, crews will complete the Priority 1 streets like Circle Drive and streets with three or more lanes in each direction, such as Idylwyld Drive, 22nd Street and College Drive.
We will also clear City facility sidewalks, Meewasin Trail, pathways along major routes, and walkways over bridges and overpasses within 48 hours.
Crews will then move onto Priority 2 double-lane streets like Clarence Avenue, McKercher Drive and Millar Avenue. These streets will take about 24 hours to complete.
Attention will then shift to neighbourhood streets like Louise Avenue, Howell Avenue and Main Street.
All priority street snow grading is completed within 72 hours of the end of snowfall.
How you can help us
When you see the blue and amber flashing lights of snow crews, please slow down, remain at least 15 metres (2.5 car lengths) behind, and be prepared to stop.
Anticipate winter driving conditions and adjust your driving. This includes slowing down and allowing more space between vehicles.
Clear your business sidewalks within 24 hours and residential sidewalks within 48 hours. Please keep this snow on your property.
Learn about winter road maintenance at Stay in the Snow by checking the latest Snow & Ice Report posted to