**UPDATE: This rezoning application has been updated and will no longer include the amendment area adjacent to Underhill Way and Underhill Road. The former and revised amendment areas are shown below.**
This application was recommended for approval by the Municipal Planning Commission at their November 23, 2021 meeting (link to video).
Proposal - UPDATED
Dream Development has applied to rezone a parcel located at Underhill Way and Schmeiser Avenue as shown on the map below.
Location Maps
Revised Amendment Area
Former Amendment Area
The lands in question are currently undeveloped and zoned FUD(H) – Future Urban Development District. The lands are proposed to be rezoned to R1B – Small Lot One-Unit Residential District.
The purpose of the R1B District is to provide for small-lot residential development in the form of one-unit dwellings as well as related community uses.
The proposed zoning would provide for subdivision and development that aligns with the approved Brighton Neighbourhood Concept Plan.