Discretionary Use Proposal
Winner Kids Club has applied for Discretionary Use approval to develop a Private School in unit 105 at 412 Willowgrove Sq. in the Willowgrove neighbourhood. This site is zoned B1B - Neighbourhood Commercial – Mixed Use District under the Zoning Bylaw. The purpose of the B1B District is to facilitate mixed use development which may include a limited range of commercial and institutional uses, as well as medium density residential uses, that are generally compatible with residential land uses and which are intended to serve the needs of residents within a neighbourhood.
The Zoning Bylaw defines defines a Private School as "a facility which meets Provincial requirements for elementary, secondary, post-secondary or other forms of education or training, and which does not secure the majority of its funding from taxation or any governmental agency, and may include vocational and commercial schools, music or dance schools and other similar schools."
Subject to Discretionary Use approval, Unit 105, 412 Willowgrove Sq. will be permitted to operate as a Private School for a maximum of 10 students within 2 classrooms at any one time.
Location Map
Provide Feedback
Questions and comments on this proposal are invited at this time by contacting:
Tyler Kopp, Planner