Wicihitowin Speaker Series: Calls to Action – Presented by Potash Corp

Community, Culture & Heritage

- 12:00 pm

Frances Morrison Library Auditorium

Feature Presenter: Eugene Arcand

Registration Fee: $20

Calls to Action. Eugene has been blazing a trail with his eye-opening and inspiring message on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission ninety-four Calls to Action. He eloquently describes how we can move forward on our own Calls to Action and how this is distinguishably different from a recommendation. He leaves his audiences ready to take action and motivated to be a change maker in their respective communities. A question that is posed to him quite often is “how do we know we are doing it right?” , in which he commonly replies “every way that we do it, is the right way”. Please join us as we present Eugene Arcand as our next guest in the Wicihitowin Speaker Series. Eugene’s presentation will be followed by a Question & Answer period.

To register and for more information contact Laura Marshall at the United Way of Saskatoon and area: 306-975-0901 or email: lmarshall@unitedwaysaskatoon.ca