Curbside collections to continue as planned for remainder of the week
With the recent snowfall, the City is reminding residents that it is crucial to clear away any accumulated snow around your carts. Ensure the lids are free from ice and snow, allowing them to close securely.
Proper cart placement will be key to successful collections. Residents are asked to roll out carts by 7 a.m. and place them in front of, or four feet to the side of, snowbanks to ensure collection truck arms can access carts. Residents living on cul-de-sacs will also need to evaluate their circumstances in order to decide what suits them best for proper cart placement. Coordinate with your neighbours to ensure carts are all in the same area and facing in the same direction.
Suspended collections from Monday, November 25 have been rescheduled for Saturday, November 30. Collections will continue as scheduled for the remainder of the week. City crews will be driving down back lanes for neighbourhoods on Routes 1 and 2 only, prior to waste collection trucks arriving. This will pack down some of the snow in those lanes and minimize the risk of the trucks getting stuck.
Visit for more information. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during this time.