Organics (Food & Yard Waste)
Green Cart Program
Green Cart food and yard waste is collected bi-weekly by the City according to the Collection Calendar available online.
Compost Depot
Residents can drop off leaves, grass, sod, topsoil, garden refuse, Halloween pumpkins, and non-elm branches, stumps and tree trimmings at the City’s compost depot, at no cost. Sign up for Compost Depot service alerts.
Home Composting
Composting is the process of breaking down organic waste (such as food scraps, grass clippings, and dried leaves) into a rich soil amendment that your lawn and garden will love!
Christmas Tree Composting
Drop off live Christmas trees at the Material Recovery Centre trees from December 26 to January 31.
Business Organic Waste
Keeping organic waste out of the landfill reduces the strain on garbage collection systems and increases the lifespan of landfills.
Multi Unit Organics
The City of Saskatoon is conducting a pilot study for organics diversion at a limited number of multi-unit residential properties