Cart Care
Green Carts switch to monthly collection beginning December 2024
As directed by Council on June 4, 2024, residential organics collection frequency will reduce in winter months. Starting December 2024, Green Cart collection will shift to monthly service for the winter months (December, January, February and March). Collection Calendars have been updated to reflect these changes.
Cart Collection Overview
- Garbage (black cart) and recycling (blue cart) are collected bi-weekly from all single family households. Organics (green cart) are collected every 4 weeks from December to March and bi-weekly from April to November from all single family households.
- Check your collection calendar for your collection day and schedule.
- Cart fees are outlined on Waste Utility Rates.
Sizes and Types of Carts
Homes with curbside (cart-based) collection have:
- 1 black garbage cart (120L, 240L, or 360L)
- 1 blue recycling cart (360L),
- 1 green organics cart (360L).
Proper cart care and placement are the key to successful collections.
Cart Labelling and Identification
The City encourages residents to label their garbage (black), recycling (blue), and organics (green) carts with their home address in order to identify them after severe storms, construction, or theft.
- Markers or Paint Pens (temporary): Paint pens, waxed markers, or tire markers that are white (or high contrast) will all do the trick. No liquid or spray paint. Use a stencil or freehand and ensure the numbers are 6–8" high to optimize readability.
- Stickers: Make sure they have vinyl or waterproof coating and will stick to textured plastic.
Home numbers are to be displayed on the designed white area on the front of new carts. If your cart does not have this area, use the flat portion on the front of your cart or the bottom portion of the side of your cart; excluding the lid or back. Please refrain from obstructing cart logos, serial numbers, warning labels, or other cart information as it must be visible to collection staff at all times. Only use the approved labelling methods and do not physically alter the cart (e.g. branding, melting, scraping).
Verify your cart: Provide the serial number (on front of cart) or your home address to:
- City of Saskatoon (black and green carts): 306-975-2476
- Loraas Recycle (blue carts): 306-242-2300
Waste Bylaw #9844 prohibits tampering with the carts and their contents wherever they may be found.
Cart Cleaning Tips
- If possible, keep your carts in the shade, and ensure the lids arefully closed. Every once and a while, give the inside of your carts a rinse.
- Wash your carts periodically with mild soap or a vinegar-water solution. Pour soapy water onto grass or gravel. Do not pour soapy water down outside drains.
Green Cart:
- Line the bottom of your kitchen catcher with newspaper to absorb moisture or use a BPI-certified compostable bag.
- Cleaning your kitchen pail frequently can also help reduce odours and insects.
- Sprinkle baking soda or vinegar in your kitchen catcher or directly into your Green Cart to help reduce smells.
Setting Out Carts
General Guidelines
- Cart lids must be COMPLETELY closed and in an upright position to prevent windblown litter. Waste outside of your cart will not be collected.
- Collection times vary. Set out your cart no later than 7 a.m. on your collection day.
- Place your cart so there is at least 1.2 meters (4 feet) of space on all sides between your cart and all obstacles (cars, other carts, fence).
- Your cart must not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Place your cart on even surfaces to prevent it from tipping over.
- Return your cart to your property by 7 p.m. on collection day to prevent fines, theft, or damage to your cart.
Front Street
- Place your cart on the street with wheels facing the curb in front of your residence in which the cart is assigned.
- Carts should not be placed on the sidewalk or blocking your neighbour's driveway.
- For winter collections, residents are responsible for clearing snow (natural or from grading) and debris. Do no place carts on top of snowbanks.
Back Lane
- Place your cart in the designated collection area on the edge of the lane with wheels facing the fence behind the residence in which the cart is assigned. Please watch for low overhead utility lines.
- Do not block the lane. Do not restrict access to your neighbour’s driveway or gate.
- For winter collections, residents are responsible for clearning and snow or debris that would interfere with the safe collection. Carts placed on top of snowbanks cannot be collected safely.
- All carts must be arranged in the center of the cul-de-sac facing the same direction with at least 4ft (2m) between them to ensure collection.
Tips for successful collection:
- Please avoid parking your vehicle in the cul-de-sac on collection day.
- Please refrain from leaving large objects (e.g. basketball net) on the street.

- For winter collections, the City's snow clearing efforts can sometimes present obstacles for effective waste collections. Each cul-de-sac and “City” snow pile placement is unique, so residents are asked to decide which option best suits their scenario. Please place carts all in one area, either in front of or beside the snow pile, facing in the same direction.
*Note: Property owners are not permitted to place their private property snow on the roadway.
Cart Storage
- Carts must be stored on your property only and clear of roadways, sidewalks, back lanes, boulevards and other municipal property.
Living with Carts
Broken Carts
Submit a cart repair request for the following types of damage:
- Missing or damaged wheels
- Cracked or damaged cart body
- Cracked or damaged lids
We will not replace carts if they are dirty or due to scratches or colouring . During the cart swap, large carts were exchanged for smaller carts. These large carts have some wear and tear, but they still have a lot of useful life remaining. Reissuing old carts is both good for the environment and saves money by not having to purchase new carts. If the carts are still in good usable condition, we will not be replacing them.
Repairs are generally completed within 2 weeks of your request and completed after the collection day. Repairs are free when resulting from normal wear and tear, or an incident beyond your control.
If you would like to submit a cart repair request, please call:
- City of Saskatoon (black and green carts): 306-975-2476 or use the cart request form.
- Loraas Recycle (blue carts): 306-242-2300
Missing, Lost or Stolen Carts
Extreme weather, mechanical failures, and lane conditions may disrupt collection. Please remember to watch for service alerts that may affect collection on your route. If there was no service alert issued and your cart was still not collected, please call:
- City of Saskatoon (black and green carts): 306-975-2476 or use the cart request form.
- Loraas Recycle (blue carts): 306-242-2300
New Homes
Moving into a new home in Saskatoon? Getting carts is easy. The process may depend if you are moving into a newly constructed home or existing home.
For newly constructed homes
- Call Corporate Revenue at 306-975-2400 up to two weeks before your move-in date to determine eligibility and turn on services
- Carts are provided at no charge and will be delivered within 1-2 business days
- You will receive:
- 1 black garbage cart (120L, 240L, or 360L)
- 1 blue recycling cart (360L),
- 1 green organics cart (360L).
- Your recycling and organics services are paid through a monthly utility fee, which appears on your utility bill. The service begins when you receive the cart.
For existing homes
- Call Corporate Revenue at 306-975-2400 once you’ve moved in to turn on service
- An existing home should already have carts left behind by the previous owners. This includes:
- 1 black garbage cart (120L, 240L, or 360L)
- 1 blue recycling cart (360L),
- 1 green organics cart (360L).
If any of your carts are missing, the previous owners may have mistakenly taken them. Report your cart(s) as lost using the cart request form. Your replacement cart(s) will be delivered to your address within 5-7 business days.
Additional Carts
Single-family homes may request additional carts through the waste utility. Additional carts for blue or green carts are charged at the same rate as the first cart and fees are applied as a multiplier based on the number of carts on the utility bill. The additional black cart is charged at a rate of $15.52 per cart per month. Submit a request for additional carts by calling Corporate Revenue at 306-975-2400.
Cart Swaps
If you would like to change your black cart size, you can request a smaller cart through My Utility Account or calling a Corporate Revenue Customer Service Representative at 306-975-2400. A more detailed look at the cart sizes is included here.
- Small (120L) – approx. $3.73 per month
- Medium (240L) – approx. $7.05 per month
- Large (360L) – the previous size – approx. $10.58 per month
Cart Sharing - Secondary Suites
With the implementation of a variable cart model for garbage, single-family homes can apply to share their black carts with the suite(s) and pay only one monthly garbage utility rate. Minimum black cart requirements of 120L capacity per eligible unit must be met (i.e. a single family home with a secondary suite or 2 units must have a 240 L black cart). The primary residential unit (main unit) associated with the secondary suite will be responsible for the charges and waste carts on the utility bill.
Call Corporate Revenue at 306-975-2400 to request to share black carts and have a cart removed from your secondary unit.
Frequently Asked Questions
My cart wasn't emptied on my collection day. What should I do?
Extreme weather, mechanical failures, and lane conditions may disrupt collection. Please remember to watch for service alerts that may affect collection on your route. If there was no service alert issued and your cart was still not collected, please call:
- City of Saskatoon (black and green carts): 306-975-2476 or use the online form
- Loraas Recycle (blue carts): 306-242-2300
Why was my small black cart not fully tipped?
We encourage residents to try the small cart for a couple collections to see what works. Adjusting to your smaller cart may take some time.
The small cart is designed for 2-3 45L kitchen garbage bags. If materials are packed too tightly in the cart, they will not fall out of the cart during pickup. Please do not overfill, wedge or overpack the waste into the carts. If possible, store materials until next collection date.
Tips: Cut up large materials like furnace filters, use small kitchen bags and look at what materials can go into your blue and green cart.
What if I put my cart(s) in the wrong place?
If your cart is located in the wrong place, it may not be emptied on schedule. Refer to the illustrations and examples on this page to ensure that your carts are properly placed for collection.
What if I’m going to be away when my cart is collected?
If you know you’re going to be away when your cart is scheduled for collection, ask a neighbour or someone else to roll it out for pick-up and return it to your yard or garage by 7 p.m. to prevent fines and theft. Excess recycling can be taken to a City Recycling Depot or Loraas Recycle at no additional cost.
What should I do if someone has dumped or gone through my cart(s)?
Your carts have been assigned to your household and are your responsibility. Damaging or tampering with carts, and adding or removing materials other than your own, is an offense under the Waste Bylaw #9488 and may result in fines.
- Scavenging can be reported by calling the 24/7 Customer Service Centre at 306-975-2476
- If you witness scavenging try to get photos and/or video that will provide valuable information. Please only do this if it is safe to do so.
- Write down as much information as you can including:
- Licence plate number and description of the vehicle
- Description of the people involved
- Time, date and location of the incident
My normal regular pick up falls on a statutory holiday. Do I still put out my cart?
Refer to your Collection Calendar for your scheduled days, including holidays.
Why was my small black cart not fully tipped?
The small cart is designed for 2-3 45L kitchen garbage bags. We encourage residents to try the small cart for a couple collections to see what works. Adjusting to your smaller cart may take some time.
If materials are packed too tightly in the cart, they will not fall out of the cart during pickup. Please do not overfill, wedge or over pack the waste into the carts. If possible, store materials until next collection date.
Tips: Cut up large materials like furnace filters, use small kitchen bags, look at what materials can go into your blue and green cart.
How can I prevent my small cart from tipping over?
The carts are designed to withstand strong winds (65 km/hr) when placed on a flat level surface. Place the carts on flat level ground to prevent tipping, not on a raised platform or curb. Please make sure that all garbage is bagged in the event of exceptionally strong winds. Make sure you roll in your cart and return to your property after your collection and store appropriately.
Putting your carts out the right way on collection day can help ensure your carts are collected safely and on schedule.
Can I opt out of a cart program?
Waste management and diversion are community-wide issues, which require community-wide solutions. We need all residents to recycle and compost. Universal participation in diversion programs is essential to reducing waste going to landfill and to achieve our goal of 70% waste diversion.
Research has shown that optional municipal programs cost more, have a lower participation rate and do not achieve the same level of diversion as universal programs. The utility fee is applied to all eligible households so that everyone shares in the cost. This keeps the program affordable for everyone.
Residents can choose to opt-out of green or blue cart collection and refuse their cart, however the fee will remain. Submit a cart refusal by calling Corporate Revenue at 306-975-2400.
Do I need a second set of carts if I’m not renting my basement suite?
If you are a single-family home and have a registered legal secondary suite (e.g. basement, garage and garden suites) on the same property that you’re not renting out for an extended period of time or has been removed, you can apply for a suite declaration to have carts removed. Call Corporate Revenue at 306-975-2400 so start the process for a declaration.
Why was an old cart delivered to my property?
The City re-purposes old carts to reduce waste and minimize costs. When a large cart (360L) is exchanged for a smaller one (120L or 240L), the returned cart is inspected, cleaned, and added back into our inventory if it is still in good condition.
We do understand that your cart may look different. However, this approach allows us to re-issue perfectly good carts to other properties, reducing the need for future purchases. During the city-wide cart swap, we received many large carts from residents who chose to downsize. Instead of buying new carts and disposing of the usable ones, we prioritized reusing the carts that are still in excellent condition. Rest assured, all reissued carts meet our standards for quality and cleanliness.
How can I keep my carts clean?
- If possible, keep your carts in the shade, and ensure the lids arefully closed. Every once and a while, give the inside of your carts a rinse.
- Wash your carts periodically with mild soap or a vinegar-water solution. Pour soapy water onto grass or gravel. Do not pour soapy water down outside drains.
Green Cart:
- Line the bottom of your kitchen catcher with newspaper to absorb moisture or use a BPI-certified compostable bag.
- Cleaning your kitchen pail frequently can also help reduce odours and insects.
- Sprinkle baking soda or vinegar in your kitchen catcher or directly into your Green Cart to help reduce smells.
Report a missed garbage collection
Cart Placement Illustrations
Around snow piles:
Swipe through the gallery below to find the illustration that matches your collection scenario.