Interacting with Council & Committees
Role of Council vs the Administration
City Council consists of a mayor and ten councillors, elected for a term of four years.
Saskatoon uses the ward system, where electors vote only for candidates in their own ward; hence there are 10 wards.
The Province of Saskatchewan, through legislation, sets out the powers of municipal governments. City Council’s main powers are set out in The Cities Act. City Council decides which programs will be delivered, the level of service, and the allocation of human and financial resources.
The City Manager’s (Administration) role is to carry out the policy and directions set by City Council and to supervise the day-to-day operations of the City.
What does City Council do?
City Council operates in accordance with several provincial statutes, the main ones being The Cities Act and The Planning and Development Act. City Council has only those powers which the provincial government has expressly given to it by statute.
City Council cannot make any decisions or take any action other than during an official meeting of City Council or a Council Committee. All meetings are public, and all decisions are made publicly.
City Council has delegated some responsibilities to Council Committees, which includes the Governance and Priorities Committee and four Standing Policy Committees. These committees are composed solely of members of City Council. All committees meet publicly. These committees review matters under its specific policy areas.
How can I participate in City Council's decisions?
- Providing submissions to City Council and its Committees about reports or proposed bylaws (see below).
- Making presentations at Council and Committee meetings for items on the agendas.
- Providing submissions and presenting to Council Committees on new matters.
How can I find out what is on the Council and Committee Agendas?
Agendas are normally published on the Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. of the week preceding the meeting. They are available for viewing on the City's website at
How can I address City Council or a Committee?
If you provide a submission to City Council not related to a matter on an agenda, it will be referred by the City Clerk to the appropriate Council Committee or the administration.
If you know that a particular report or issue is before Council or Committee, you can submit comments or request to make a presentation.
How do I submit a letter to City Council and are there any deadlines which I should be aware of?
Communications to Council or one of its committees can be submitted in the following ways:
- By email, using this form
- By post or in person to: Office of the City Clerk, 222 - 3rd Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5
- By fax to 306-975-2784
Communications on NEW matters must be received in the City Clerk's Office by noon on the Tuesday preceding the week of the meeting.
Matters already on an agenda, your submission should clearly specify the issue which you wish to address, as well as a general outline of your concerns. Please note that, since all meetings of City Council and its Committees are public, your submission is considered a public document.
You are encouraged to contact the City Clerk's Office at 306-975-3240 to clarify the requirements for writing to City Council or any of its Committees.
Is there anything I need to know about making a presentation?
Generally the Administration will make their presentation, followed by those individuals approved to speak on the item.
You will have five minutes to make your presentation. Following your presentation, you may be asked questions from members of Council or Committee.
Conduct in the Public Gallery
All persons in the public gallery at a meeting shall:
- refrain from addressing the Council or Committee member unless permitted to do so;
- maintain quiet and order;
- refrain from disturbing the proceedings by words, gestures or actions including applauding, displaying flags, placards or similar material;
- refrain from talking on cellular telephones; and
- ensure that all recording, audio visual and photographic equipment is silent and operated in such a manner that does not interfere with the meetings or with another person's ability to hear or view the proceedings.
Is there audio-visual equipment available to use in making a presentation?
There is the ability to provide any audio or visual presentations to Council and Committee. These types of presentations are included in your five minute allowance to make a presentation.
How will I know when a decision is made on the issue in which I am interested?
A motion will be made on all issues which require a decision or direction from City Council or committee. You may seek clarification from the City Clerk's Office if you do not understand what has been decided.
Minutes for all meetings are available on the City's website.
Where can I get more information about the operation of City Council and its committees?
The City Clerk's Office can help you with any questions you may have regarding City Council and its Committees. It is difficult to briefly outline all of the rules which apply to the many committees of Council, so you are strongly encouraged to contact the City Clerk's Office at 306-975-3240 for clarification.