2023 Rebate Program

Rebate Program
Saskatoon Land offers a Rebate Program to encourage home builders and lot purchasers to improve the curb appeal of newly built homes in Saskatoon Land communities. The rebates are part of our commitment to building environmentally sustainable communities and encouraging environmentally friendly household practices.
A few important reminders as we approach the end of the 2023 landscape and driveway rebate season:
Landscaping & Driveway Rebates
- Rebates are only issued to the original lot purchaser. Saskatoon Land will only discuss the rebate application and rebate payment with the original lot purchaser. Individuals that did not purchase the lot directly from Saskatoon Land will be directed to contact their home builder.
- The 18-month timeline for rebate completion begins once the building permit is issued by Building Standards. All architectural control deficiencies must be corrected within this timeframe to be eligible for the rebate. If you are cutting it close to your deadline, submit your application prior to the expiry date and include a picture of the lot with your rebate application.
- All work must be completed and applications submitted to Saskatoon Land prior to the 18-month deadline.
- Saskatoon Land does not do any inspections between November 1 and spring of the following year. Applications received prior to this date will be processed, provided that all supplementary documents are received, and the application has no errors. Any applications submitted after this date will not be processed or paid out until inspections begin the following year.
- To improve processing time, ensure that all architectural control elements are installed or completed as per your approved drawings (i.e. railings installed to enclose veranda, below exterior stairs enclosed, rear garage pad and apron poured (if applicable), etc.).
- For lots in Aspen Ridge Phase 5, Brighton Phase 1, Kensington Phase 5, and all future lot phase releases, landscaping and driveway completion are mandatory, as specified in the Agreement for Sale for each property, and rebates will not be issued until both items are complete and have passed inspections.
- Rebate application forms must be filled out in full, and all supplementary documents provided at the time of submission. You must use the current application form when making your submission – previous versions of the form will not be accepted, and you will be required to fill out the new form. All rebate applications must be received by Monday, October 16, 2023 to be reviewed and inspected in 2023. Any applications received after October 16 will not be inspected or processed until spring 2024.
- Saskatoon Land does not accept invoices marked as “Paid”. Acceptable documents are an invoice with a $0 balance, receipts, or a picture of the cheque or EFT sent. All invoices provided must be itemized or detailed - including breakdown of materials used and cost per item.
All work must be completed by a contractor with a valid City of Saskatoon business license. If the contractor hired for the work does not have a valid business license no rebate will be issued.
There has been an increase of driveways extending across the front of the lot, essentially eliminating the front yard. City of Saskatoon Zoning Bylaw 8770, in conjunction with Bylaw 4785, is enforceable. If you have any questions about the width of your driveway, please call Building Standards at (306) 975-2645.
All front landscaping that isn’t sod/turf and a tree requires pre-approval. This includes xeriscaping, artificial turf, or designs with a mix of sod and other materials.
Landscaping must be completed to the edges of all property lines. Corner lots/highly visible lots require landscaping to include the rear side yard. All other lots require the completion of the side yard between two properties.
If requesting a tree from the City of Saskatoon Community Tree Planting program, there are known supply and labour shortages. To get your rebate paid out sooner, we suggest purchasing and planting an acceptable tree.
Please note that purpose of this program is to improve the streetscape of the neighbourhood. The landscaping should be taken care of and watered to ensure establishment. If grass is dead or xeriscaping not taken care of between installation and inspection, this will impact the eligibility and potential payment of the landscaping rebate. Bylaw 8175 – Property Maintenance and Public Nuisance is enforceable.
All of this information, and more detailed requirements, can be found on our Rebate page at saskatoonland.ca.
All rebate applications must be received by Monday, October 16, 2023 to be reviewed and inspected in 2023. Any applications received after October 16 will not be inspected or processed until spring 2024.
If you have any additional questions regarding our rebate program call 306-975-LAND or email land@saskatoona.ca.