Kensington Lot Information Package
The Lot Information Package is a technical document that details important information for each lot in each phase of development. Everything from terms of sale, to lot grades, to servicing guidelines can be found in the Lot Information Package. Prior to beginning construction on a lot, the builder needs to review and become familiar with the Lot Information Package. Once construction of the dwelling is complete, the builder should also share this information with the homeowner. |
It is the builder and purchaser's responsibility to comply with any and all requirements that are outlined within Phase Specific Information and Information For All Phases sections.
Details for each phase are outlined below, each accordion contains phase specific information. To print a specific phase from our website, ensure the accordion is open before printing to see all information regarding that specific phase.
Kensington Phase 2
May 27th, 2014: Clean Fill Site and Topsoil For Lot Landscaping. UPDATE: addendum no longer applicable.
August 3rd, 2017: Earth Disposal
Further detailed information can be found in the Phase 2 PDF Attachments. Click the button below.
Phase 2 PDF Attachments
Terms of Sale
Saskatoon Land sells residential lots to:
- individuals who have not purchased a lot from Saskatoon Land within the last three years and who are purchasing a lot for construction of their own personal residence; and
- home builders who are currently on the Eligible Contractor list.
Down Payment
At the time of lot selection, an Agreement of Sale will be entered into with a minimum down payment required of 13 percent of the total price of the lot plus GST on the price of the lot (less the $3,000 deposit during lot draw process).
The interest rate will be set as the prime rate of interest on the date of the Agreement for Sale. Interest will be charged on the unpaid balance starting on the possession date, whether immediate or delayed. If an extension to the eight month term is required and granted, the interest rate would be five percent above the rate established in the Agreement for Sale.
Possession of Land
Please note that all of the lots will be sold with a delayed possession date with the exception of the thirteen lots held back from Phase 1. The lots available for immediate possession are as follows:
- Lots 1 to 7, Block 102, Plan 102108451
- Lots 11 to 15, Block 102, Plan 102108451
- Lot 30, Block 103, Plan 102108451
Based on the information available at this time, the projected date for the completion of servicing for the remaining lots in Phase 2 is July 2014. Please be advised that the projected completion date noted above is weather dependent and subject to change. Saskatoon Land will provide lot purchasers three week’s notice of servicing completion and subsequent possession. Building Permit plan review may take place before possession; however, no permits will be issued until possession is granted by Saskatoon Land. Interest charges, property taxes and the eight-month period to pay off the lot will not begin until the possession date.
Paying the Balance
The full balance (principal plus interest) is due within eight months time from the latter of the Agreement for Sale date or the possession date. The balance may be paid early with interest charged up to and including the payout date.
Build Time Requirement
All lots purchased have a three-year requirement to complete construction. Construction may begin once possession of the lot is granted, utility servicing is complete, and the roadways are completed to a gravel base. The three-year build requirement will commence from the date of possession. Construction includes final building inspection and completion of all deficiencies within this three-year time frame; if not met, no forgiveness of the mortgage will be granted. Contractors not meeting this requirement may be removed from the Eligible Contractors List.
Residency Requirement for Individuals who Purchase a Lot
Individuals who purchase a lot must reside on the premises for a period of four years. The four-year period begins the same day Title is transferred into the purchaser(s) name. The original purchaser(s) name must remain on Title to maintain the four-year requirement.
Forgivable Mortgage
A Forgivable Mortgage of $50,000, will be held to enforce the build-time and residency requirements held by the City of Saskatoon and will be registered against each lot sold to an Individual. Should the dwelling be completed within the required three years from the date of possession, the mortgage will be forgiven on a monthly basis over the final three years of the four-year residency period starting from the day Title is transferred into the individual purchaser(s) name. No forgiveness will be granted if the dwelling is not completed within three years from the date of possession.
Updated Payment Terms
Payment terms may have changed since original lot release. Please contact Saskatoon Land at 306-975-LAND for up to date information.
Rebate Program
Saskatoon Land offers a rebate to encourage Builders and lot purchasers to improve the curb appeal of newly built homes in Kensington for lots purchased in 2016 or later in phases 1 to 4. The cash back and/or green rebates are part of Saskatoon Land’s commitment to building environmentally sustainable communities and encouraging environmentally friendly household practices.
Pre-2020 Building Permits
All dwellings with building permits opened in 2019 or earlier qualify for a rebate of $6,000 for driveway rebates completed within one year of building permit issuance date, and $3,000 for driveway rebates completed within two years of building permit issuance; and maximum rebate of $2,000 for landscape rebates completed within one year of building permit issuance date, and $1,000 for landscape rebates completed within two years of building permit issuance.
Post-2020 Building Permits
All dwellings with building permits opened in 2020 or later qualify for a rebate of $6,000 for driveway rebates and $2000 for landscape rebates completed within 18 months of building permit issuance. No reduced rebate amount will be offered past 18 months.
If the driveway and front yard landscaping are complete prior to the final payment of the lot, the option exists to have the relevant incentive amount deducted from the final payment amount, evidenced by receipts, photo evidence from the home builder, and inspections by Saskatoon Land staff.
Licensed Contractor
All front driveway services and installation must be performed by qualified companies holding a valid City of Saskatoon Business License, Contractor License, or Non-Resident Contractor License.
Licensed Landscaping Contractor
All landscape services and installation must be performed by qualified companies holding a valid City of Saskatoon Business License, Contractor License, or Non-Resident Contractor License.
Rebates will only be issued once architectural inspection and approval is granted.
Please visit the Kensington Architectural Controls for more details on landscaping and driveway requirements.
Architectural Controls
Once a lot is purchased, please review the Kensington Phase 2 Architectural Controls and the Architectural Review Form. In addition, if the dwelling is located in the Craftsmen Group Home area additional architectural controls apply. Please see the Craftsmen Home Architectural Controls on the Kensington Architectural Controls webpage for more information.
click to enlarge
Building Plans must be submitted and approved by Saskatoon Land prior to applying for a Building Permit. Upon approval, Saskatoon Land will provide a letter of approval, sign the Architectural Review Form, and stamp the Building Plans. All these forms need to be submitted to the Building Standards Division as part of the Building Permit package. Complete information and approval by Saskatoon Land before applying for a Building Permit will ensure no Architectural Control delays in the Building Permit Process.
Please be advised that if the dwelling is constructed in violation of the Architectural Controls as approved and initialled in the Agreement for Sale, the City may take legal action to require compliance. Issuance of a Building Permit will not absolve the Purchaser from meeting this requirement. Such action could result in the demolition or partial demolition of the building at the expense of the Purchaser.
If you require more information on zoning, please visit ( and search zoning bylaw, or contact the Planning and Development Division at 306-975-2645. Please see the zoning map (attachment 16 in the Phase 2 PDF Attachments) for more information.
Attached Garage Placement
In addition to the architectural controls noted above, for lots that require construction of an attached garage, a separate interest will be registered against the title of each single-unit lot indicating which side of the lot the garage must be placed against. The intent of this control is to pair garages together along a common property line in order to provide a better streetscape appearance and improved sightlines. The garage side placements are shown in the Lot Information Map (attachment 15 in the Phase 2 PDF Attachments).
Corner Garage Placement
All corner lots that require an attached garage have the following caveat registered on title: The garage must be located on the side of the property that is furthest from the intersection.
Decorative Aluminum Fence
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the side yard of:
- Lots 1 and 7, Block 107, Plan No. 102144844
- Lot 1, Block 109, Plan No. 102144844
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the rear yard of:
- Lots 1 – 7, Block 107, Plan No. 102144844
- Lots 1 – 4, Block 109, Plan No. 102144844
These lots are adjacent to a park space. The purchaser will be responsible for all future maintenance of the fence. The location of the fence should be taken into consideration when siting your house on the lot, and specifically with a side yard fence, when planning your basement excavation. Pay special attention that your basement excavation and other construction activities do not disturb the structural pilings or other components of the fence.
Example of Decorative Aluminum Fence. The above figure is shown for example purposes only.
Chain Link Fence
A black chain link fence (6 feet high) will be constructed on the Municipal Buffer along 33rd Street West directly behind the following lots:
- Lots 8 – 20, Block 111, Plan No. 102141032
Purchasers will be allowed to connect their side yard fences to the chain link fence. Pedestrian and vehicle access to the buffer from lots is not permitted.
Decorative Masonry Entry Fencing
A decorative concrete fence will be located in the side yard of:
- Lot 30, Block 103, Plan No. 102108451
A decorative concrete fence will be located in the rear yard of:
- Lots 1 – 7, Block 102, Plan No. 102108451
- Lots 11 – 15, Block 102, Plan No. 102108451
- Lots 31-37, Block 103, Plan No. 102141032
- Lots 1 – 7, Block 111, Plan No. 102141032
The purchaser will be responsible for all future maintenance of the fence. The location of the fence should be taken into consideration when siting your house on the lot while planning your basement excavation. Pay special attention that your basement excavation and other construction activities do not disturb the structural pilings, the pile cap, or other components of the fence.
Example of Decorative Concrete Fence. The above figure is shown for example purposes only.
Other Information
Lots are sold “As Is”. These terms are contained in the Agreement for Sale. The terms may change without notice. Any questions should be asked to ensure you understand the terms of your purchase.
Kensington Phase 3
No amendments.
Further detailed information can be found in the Phase 3 PDF Attachments. Click the button below.
Phase 3 PDF Attachments
Terms of Sale
Saskatoon Land sells residential lots to:
- individuals who have not purchased a lot from Saskatoon Land within the last three years and who are purchasing a lot for construction of their own personal residence; and
- home builders who are currently on the Eligible Contractor list and in good standing.
Down Payment
At the time of lot selection, an Agreement of Sale will be entered into with a minimum down payment required of 13 percent of the total price of the lot plus GST on the price of the lot.
The interest rate will be set as the prime rate of interest on the date of the Agreement for Sale. Interest will be charged on the unpaid balance starting on the possession date, whether immediate or delayed. If an extension to the eight month term is required and granted, the interest rate would be five percent above the rate established in the Agreement for Sale.
Possession of Land
Please note that all the lots will be sold with a possession date of November 30, 2014. Please be advised that the projected completion date note above is weather dependent and subject to change. Based on the information available at this time, power and gas utilities are expected to be installed by Spring 2015. Building Permit plan review may take place before possession; however, no permits will be issued until possession is granted by Saskatoon Land. As utilities are not expected to be completed until Spring 2015, the interest charges will be zero percent for the first six months, until May 30, 2015. Property taxes and the eight-month period to pay off the lot will begin on the possession date.
Paying the Balance
The full balance (principal plus interest) is due within eight months time from the latter of the Agreement for Sale date or the possession date. The balance may be paid early with interest charged up to and including the payout date.
Build Time Requirement
All lots purchased have a three-year requirement to complete construction. Construction may begin once possession of the lot is granted and the roadways are completed to a gravel base. The three-year build requirement will commence from the date of possession. Construction includes final building inspection and completion of all deficiencies within this three-year time frame; if not met, no forgiveness of the mortgage will be granted. Contractors not meeting this requirement may be removed from the Eligible Contractors List.
Residency Requirement for Individuals who Purchase a Lot
Individuals who purchase a lot must reside on the premises for a period of four years. The four-year period begins the same day title is transferred into the purchaser(s) name. The original purchaser(s) name must remain on title to maintain the four-year requirement.
Forgivable Mortgage
A Forgivable Mortgage of $50,000, will be held to enforce the build-time and residency requirements held by the City of Saskatoon and will be registered against each lot sold to an Individual. Should the dwelling be completed within the required three years from the date of possession, the mortgage will be forgiven on a monthly basis over the final three years of the four-year residency period starting from the day Title is transferred into the individual purchaser(s) name. No forgiveness will be granted if the dwelling is not completed within three years from the date of possession.
Eligible Contractors
Lots are not to be resold. Builders are purchasing City lots to construct homes for potential homebuyers. If a lot is no longer required, please review the Cancellation Policy.
Property taxes become the responsibility of the purchaser(s) effective the first of the month following the latter of the date of the Agreement for Sale or the possession date on lots waiting for service completion. For an estimate of the taxes on the land only, please call Taxation & Assessment at 306-975-3227.
Transfer of Title
The Transfer of Title will be issued in one of the following ways:
- under appropriate trust conditions, the Transfer will be forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor; or
- upon receipt of payment in full, the Transfer will be forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor.
Default or Voluntary Cancellation
An Agreement for Sale is defaulted when any of the terms are not met within the time of the agreement. In the event of cancellation or default, a $500 processing fee is charged plus a restocking fee for the time the purchaser has held the lot. The restocking fee is one percent of the purchase price of the lot plus GST, multiplied by the number of months (no charge for first 30 days) which have elapsed between the date of the Agreement for Sale and the date of the Quit Claim. The restocking fee is deducted from monies paid (i.e. down payment) and any remaining portion is refunded. Voluntary cancellation cannot occur once construction has begun or Title has been transferred into the purchaser(s) name.
updated payment terms
Payment terms may have changed since original lot release. Please contact Saskatoon Land at 306-975-LAND for up to date information.
Rebate Program
Saskatoon Land offers a rebate to encourage Builders and lot purchasers to improve the curb appeal of newly built homes in Kensington for lots purchased in 2016 or later in phases 1 to 4. The cash back and/or green rebates are part of Saskatoon Land’s commitment to building environmentally sustainable communities and encouraging environmentally friendly household practices.
Pre-2020 Building Permits
All dwellings with building permits opened in 2019 or earlier qualify for a rebate of $6,000 for driveway rebates completed within one year of building permit issuance date, and $3,000 for driveway rebates completed within two years of building permit issuance; and maximum rebate of $2,000 for landscape rebates completed within one year of building permit issuance date, and $1,000 for landscape rebates completed within two years of building permit issuance.
Post-2020 Building Permits
All dwellings with building permits opened in 2020 or later qualify for a rebate of $6,000 for driveway rebates and $2000 for landscape rebates completed within 18 months of building permit issuance. No reduced rebate amount will be offered past 18 months.
If the driveway and front yard landscaping are complete prior to the final payment of the lot, the option exists to have the relevant incentive amount deducted from the final payment amount, evidenced by receipts, photo evidence from the home builder, and inspections by Saskatoon Land staff.
Licensed Contractor
All front driveway services and installation must be performed by qualified companies holding a valid City of Saskatoon Business License, Contractor License, or Non-Resident Contractor License.
Licensed Landscaping Contractor
All landscape services and installation must be performed by qualified companies holding a valid City of Saskatoon Business License, Contractor License, or Non-Resident Contractor License.
Rebates will only be issued once architectural inspection and approval is granted.
Please visit the Kensington Architectural Controls for more details on landscaping and driveway requirements.
Architectural Controls
Once a lot is purchased, please review the Kensington Phase 3 Architectural Controls and the Architectural Review Form. Building Plans must be submitted and approved by Saskatoon Land prior to applying for a Building Permit. Upon approval, Saskatoon Land will provide a letter of approval, sign the Architectural Review Form, and stamp the Building Plans. All these forms need to be submitted to the Building Standards Division as part of the Building Permit package. Complete information and approval by Saskatoon Land before applying for a Building Permit will ensure no Architectural Control delays in the Building Permit Process.
Please be advised that if the dwelling is constructed in violation of the Architectural Controls as approved and initialled in the Agreement for Sale, the City may take legal action to require compliance. Issuance of a Building Permit will not absolve the Purchaser from meeting this requirement. Such action could result in the demolition or partial demolition of the building at the expense of the Purchaser.
Multi-Unit Sites
Dwelling Group Townhouse Sites:
- Parcel X on Kensington Lane South and Ells Link
Street Townhouse Sites:
- Parcel Y on Kensington Boulevard
Apartment Style Multi-Unit:
- Parcel V on Kensington Lane South
- Parcel T on Kensington Lane North
- Parcel W on Kensington Manor
Mixed-Use Parcels:
- Parcel U, and Parcel S on Kensington Union
These sites will be subject to the Architectural Controls contained in the Architectural Controls for Multi-Unit Dwelling Districts.
If you require more information on zoning, please visit ( and search zoning bylaw, or contact the Planning and Development Division at 306-975-2645. Please see the zoning map (attachment 7 in the Phase 3 PDF Attachments) for more information.
Attached Garage Placement
In addition to the architectural controls noted above, for lots that require construction of an attached garage, a separate interest will be registered against the title of each single-family lot indicating which side of the lot the garage must be placed against. The intent of this control is to pair garages together along a common property line in order to provide a better streetscape appearance and improved sightlines. The garage side placements are shown in the Lot Information Map (attachment 6 in the Phase 3 PDF Attachments).
Corner Garage Placement
All corner lots that require an attached garage have the following caveat registered on title: The garage must be located on the side of the property that is furthest from the intersection.
Although the development controls for each respective lot are listed in this Lot Information package, please review the development controls listed in your “Agreement for Sale” prior to initialling the section. This will help to ensure that your understanding of the development controls as listed in the Lot Information Package is in agreement with the development controls as listed in your “Agreement for Sale”.
Please be advised that if the dwelling is constructed in violation of the Development Controls set out in the Sales Agreement and as registered on Title as a Building Restrictive Covenant, the City may take legal action to require compliance. Issuance of a Building Permit will not absolve the Purchaser from meeting this requirement. Such action could result in the demolition or partial demolition of the building at the expense of the Purchaser.
Residential Care Homes – Type II, Pre-Schools and Discretionary Child Care Centres
Sites within the Kensington community have been pre-designated for development as Residential Care Homes – Type II, Pre-Schools, and Child Care Centres. A Residential Care Home – Type II is a care home in which the number of residents under care is more than five, and no more than fifteen. A Discretionary Child Care Centre is a child care facility having more than eight resident and non-resident children.
A Pre-School is a facility which provides a part-time program for pre-school aged children. The locations of sites for these uses have been spread throughout the community and among various phases of development. In general, these locations are adjacent to collector streets on corner lots in order to provide access to transit service and to mitigate and potential parking conflicts. Pre-designated lots will be offered for sale separately by tender as potential Residential Care Homes – Type II, Pre-Schools and Child Care Centres. If any of these lots do not sell within one year from the date of the original tender, the lots will be removed from the pre-designated list and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis for one of the permitted uses within the R1A zoning district. Residential Care Home lots in Phase 3 are located at 103 Ells Crescent and 775 Labine Court.
Decorative Aluminum Fence
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the side yard of:
- Lot 1, Block 224, Plan No. 102171732
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the rear yard of:
- Lots 1 - 11, Block 224, Plan No. 102171732
These lots are adjacent to a park space. The centre line of this fence is located approximately 250mm (10 inches) inside the purchaser’s property line. The inside edge of the structural pilings for this fence is located approximately 400mm (16 inches) inside the purchasers property line. The purchaser will be responsible for all future maintenance of the fence. The location of the fence should be taken into consideration when siting your house on the lot, and specifically with a side yard fence, when planning your basement excavation. Pay special attention that your basement excavation and other construction activities do not disturb the structural pilings or other components of the fence.
Example of Decorative Aluminum Fence. The above figure is shown for example purposes only.
Chain Link Fence
A black chain link fence (6 feet high) will be constructed adjacent to the Municipal Buffer along Neault Road directly behind the following lots:
- Lots 9 – 27, Block 214, Plan No. 102171732
- Lots 79 – 97, Block 214, Plan No. 102171732
Purchasers will be allowed to connect their side yard fences to the chain link fence. Pedestrian and vehicle access to the buffer from lots is not permitted. This fence will be located within the purchasers property line.
Other Information
Lots are sold “As Is”. These terms are contained in the Agreement for Sale. The terms may change without notice. Any questions should be asked to ensure you understand the terms of your purchase.
Kensington Phase 4
No Amendments
Further detailed information can be found in the Phase 4 PDF Attachments. Click the button below.
Phase 4 PDF Attachments
Terms of Sale
The Saskatoon Land sells residential lots to:
- individuals who have not purchased a lot from Saskatoon Land within the last three years and who are purchasing a lot for construction of their own personal residence; and
- home builders who are currently on the Eligible Contractor list and in good standing.
Multi-Lot Allocation
Prior to the lot draw, a multi-lot allocation for builders on Saskatoon Land’s Eligible Contractor list will occur. Depending on builder participation, not all lots included for sale in the package may be available for the lot draw. Saskatoon Land will ensure that there are a sufficient number of lots held for the lot draw portion and that the scheduling for individuals adheres to Council Policy C09-006, Residential Lot Sales – General Policy, of 90% for Eligible Contractors and 10% for Individuals.
Eligible Contractors
Down payment
At the time of lot selection, an Agreement of Sale will be entered into with a minimum down payment required of 13 percent of the total price of the lot plus GST on the price of the lot. Eligible Contractors will be given 5 business days after lot selection to pay the deposit and have the Agreement for Sale signed if lot draw appointment is attended. However, if the lot draw appointment is attended, the deposit shall be paid and Agreement for Sale signed at that time. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a loss of the sale, the lot will be returned to Saskatoon Land’s inventory and a $500 administration fee will be charged.
Resale of Lot
Lots are not to be resold. Builders are purchasing City lots to construct homes for potential homebuyers. If a lot is no longer required, please review the Cancellation Policy.
Down Payment
At the time of lot selection, an Agreement of Sale will be entered into with a minimum down payment required of 13 percent of the total price of the lot plus GST on the price of the lot (less the $3,000 deposit during lot draw process).
Residency Requirement
Lots purchased have a four-year residency requirement. The four-year period begins the same day title is transferred into the purchaser(s) name. The original purchaser(s) name must remain on title to maintain the four-year requirement.
Forgivable Mortgage
A Forgivable Mortgage of $50,000, will be held to enforce the build-time and residency requirements held by the City of Saskatoon and will be registered against each lot sold to an Individual. Should the dwelling be completed within the required three years from the date of possession, the mortgage will be forgiven on a monthly basis over the final three years of the four-year residency period starting from the day Title is transferred into the individual purchaser(s) name. No forgiveness will be granted if the dwelling is not completed within three years from the date of possession.
General Terms of Sale
Saskatoon Land is offering competitive payment for this phase. Specific terms applicable to these lots include:
- 0% interest for the first 18 months of the lot being under an agreement for sale
- After 18 months, a payment of 5% of the purchase price required to extend an additional 4 months and interest will accrue at 5%
- full payment of the lot is due in 22 months
Possession of Land
All 114 lots will be sold with immediate possession.
Build Time Requirement
All lots purchased have a three-year requirement to complete construction. Construction may begin once possession of the lot is granted, utility servicing is complete and the roadways are completed to a gravel base. The three-year build requirement will commence from the date of possession. Construction includes final building inspection and completion of all deficiencies within this three-year time frame; if not met, no forgiveness of the mortgage will be granted. Contractors not meeting this requirement will be suspended from the Eligible Contractors List.
Property taxes become the responsibility of the purchaser(s) effective the first of the month following the latter of the date of the Agreement for Sale or the possession date on lots waiting for service completion. For an estimate of the taxes on the land only, please call Assessment Division at 306-975-3227.
Transfer of Title
The Transfer of Title will be issued in one of the following ways:
- under appropriate trust conditions, the Transfer will be forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor; or
- upon receipt of payment in full, the Transfer will be forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor.
Default or Voluntary Cancellation
An Agreement for Sale is defaulted when any of the terms are not met within the time of the agreement. In the event of cancellation or default, a $500 processing fee is charged plus a restocking fee for the time the purchaser has held the lot. The restocking fee is one percent of the purchase price of the lot plus GST, multiplied by the number of months (no charge for first 30 days) which have elapsed between the date of the Agreement for Sale and the date of the Quit Claim. The restocking fee is deducted from monies paid (i.e. down payment) and any remaining portion is refunded. Voluntary cancellation cannot occur once construction has begun or Title has been transferred into the purchaser(s) name.
updated payment terms
Payment terms may have changed since original lot release. Please contact Saskatoon Land at 306-975-LAND for up to date information.
Rebate Program
Saskatoon Land offers a rebate to encourage Builders and lot purchasers to improve the curb appeal of newly built homes in Kensington for lots purchased in 2016 or later in phases 1 to 4. The cash back and/or green rebates are part of Saskatoon Land’s commitment to building environmentally sustainable communities and encouraging environmentally friendly household practices.
Pre-2020 Building Permits
All dwellings with building permits opened in 2019 or earlier qualify for a rebate of $6,000 for driveway rebates completed within one year of building permit issuance date, and $3,000 for driveway rebates completed within two years of building permit issuance; and maximum rebate of $2,000 for landscape rebates completed within one year of building permit issuance date, and $1,000 for landscape rebates completed within two years of building permit issuance.
Post-2020 Building Permits
All dwellings with building permits opened in 2020 or later qualify for a rebate of $6,000 for driveway rebates and $2000 for landscape rebates completed within 18 months of building permit issuance. No reduced rebate amount will be offered past 18 months.
If the driveway and front yard landscaping are complete prior to the final payment of the lot, the option exists to have the relevant incentive amount deducted from the final payment amount, evidenced by receipts, photo evidence from the home builder, and inspections by Saskatoon Land staff.
Licensed Contractor
All front driveway services and installation must be performed by qualified companies holding a valid City of Saskatoon Business License, Contractor License, or Non-Resident Contractor License.
Licensed Landscaping Contractor
All landscape services and installation must be performed by qualified companies holding a valid City of Saskatoon Business License, Contractor License, or Non-Resident Contractor License.
Rebates will only be issued once architectural inspection and approval is granted.
Please visit the Kensington Architectural Controls for more details on landscaping and driveway requirements.
Architectural Controls
Once a lot is purchased, please review the Kensington Phase 4 Architectural Controls and the Architectural Review Form. Building Plans must be submitted and approved by Saskatoon Land prior to applying for a Building Permit. Upon approval, Saskatoon Land will provide a letter of approval, sign the Architectural Review Form, and stamp the Building Plans. All these forms need to be submitted to the Building Standards Division as part of the Building Permit package. Complete information and approval by Saskatoon Land before applying for a Building Permit will ensure no Architectural Control delays in the Building Permit Process.
Please be advised that if the dwelling is constructed in violation of the Architectural Controls as approved and initialled in the Agreement for Sale, the City may take legal action to require compliance. Issuance of a Building Permit will not absolve the Purchaser from meeting this requirement. Such action could result in the demolition or partial demolition of the building at the expense of the Purchaser.
Nearby Multi-Unit Sites
Dwelling Group Townhouse Sites:
Parcel AA on Diefenbaker Drive
Street Townhouse Sites:
Parcel 226 on Nightingale Road
840 Kensington Boulevard
These sites will be subject to the Architectural Controls contained in the Architectural Controls for Multi-Unit Dwelling Districts.
If you require more information on zoning, please visit ( and search zoning bylaw, or contact the Planning and Development Division at 306-975-2645. The lots within this phase of Kensington are zoned R1A and R1B Districts. Please consult the City’s Zoning Bylaw for the development standards of these two districts. Please see the zoning map (Attachment 9 in the Phase 4 PDF Attachments) for more information.
Attached Garage Placement
In addition to the architectural controls noted above, for lots that require construction of an attached garage, a separate interest will be registered against the title of each single-unit lot indicating which side of the lot the garage must be placed against. The intent of this control is to pair garages together along a common property line in order to provide a better streetscape appearance and improved sightlines. The garage side placements are shown in the Lot Information Map (Attachment 11 in the Phase 4 PDF Attachments).
Corner Garage Placement
All corner lots that require an attached garage have the following caveat registered on title: The garage must be located on the side of the property that is furthest from the intersection.
Although the development controls for each respective lot are listed in this Lot Information package, please review the development controls listed in your “Agreement for Sale” prior to initialling the section. This will help to ensure that your understanding of the development controls as listed in the Lot Information Package is in agreement with the development controls as listed in your “Agreement for Sale”.
Please be advised that if the dwelling is constructed in violation of the Development Controls set out in the Sales Agreement, the City may take legal action to require compliance. Issuance of a Building Permit will not absolve the Purchaser from meeting this requirement. Such action could result in the demolition or partial demolition of the building at the expense of the Purchaser.
Residential Care Homes - Type II, Pre-Schools and Discretionary Child Care Centres
Sites within the Kensington community have been pre-designated for development as Residential Care Homes – Type II, Pre-Schools, and Child Care Centres. A Residential Care Home – Type II is a care home in which the number of residents under care is more than five, and no more than fifteen. A Discretionary Child Care Centre is a child care facility having more than eight resident and non-resident children.
A Pre-School is a facility which provides a part-time program for pre-school aged children. The locations of sites for these uses have been spread throughout the community and among various phases of development. In general, these locations are adjacent to collector streets on corner lots in order to provide access to transit service and to mitigate and potential parking conflicts. Pre-designated lots will be offered for sale separately by tender as potential Residential Care Homes – Type II, Pre-Schools and Child Care Centres. If any of these lots do not sell within one year from the date of the original tender, the lots will be removed from the pre-designated list and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis for one of the permitted uses within the R1A zoning district.
Decorative Aluminum Fence
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the side yard of:
- Lot 1 and 15, Block 227, Plan No. 102183601
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the rear yard of:
- Lots 1 - 15, Block 227, Plan No. 102183601
Lots that have decorative aluminum fencing are adjacent to a park space. The centre line of this fence is located approximately 250mm (10 inches) inside the purchaser’s property line. The inside edge of the structural pilings for this fence is located approximately 400mm (16 inches) inside the purchasers property line. The purchaser will be responsible for all future maintenance of the fence. The location of the fence should be taken into consideration when siting your house on the lot, and specifically with a side yard fence, when planning your basement excavation. Special attention should be considered to not disturb the structural pilings or other components of the fence during construction.
Example of Decorative Aluminum Fence. The above figure is shown for example purposes only.
Other Information
Lots are sold “As Is”. These terms are contained in the Agreement for Sale. The terms may change without notice. Any questions should be asked to ensure you understand the terms of your purchase.
Kensington Phase 5
No Amendments
Further detailed information can be found in the Phase 5 PDF Attachments. Click the button below.
Phase 5 PDF Attachments
Terms of Sale
The Saskatoon Land sells residential lots to:
- individuals who have not purchased a lot from Saskatoon Land within the last three years and who are purchasing a lot for construction of their own personal residence; and
- home builders who are currently on the Eligible Contractor list and in good standing.
Eligible Contractors
Down Payment
At the time of lot selection, an Agreement of Sale will be entered into with a minimum down payment required of 13 percent of the total price of the lot. Eligible Contractors will be given 5 business days after lot selection to pay the deposit and have the Agreement for Sale signed if lot draw appointment is not attended in person. However, if the lot draw appointment is attended in person, the deposit shall be paid and Agreement for Sale signed at that time. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a loss of the sale, the lot will be returned to Saskatoon Land’s inventory and a $500 administration fee will be charged.
Resale of Lot
Lots are not to be resold. Builders are purchasing City lots to construct homes for potential homebuyers. If a lot is no longer required, please review the Cancellation Policy.
Down Payment
At the time of lot selection, an Agreement of Sale will be entered into with a minimum down payment required of 13 percent of the total price of the lot plus GST on the price of the lot (less the $3,000 deposit during lot draw process).
Residency Requirement
Lots purchased have a four-year residency requirement. The four-year period begins the same day title is transferred into the purchaser(s) name. The original purchaser(s) name must remain on title to maintain the four-year requirement.
Forgivable Mortgage
A Forgivable Mortgage of $50,000, will be held to enforce the build-time and residency requirements held by the City of Saskatoon and will be registered against each lot sold to an Individual. Should the dwelling be completed within the required three years from the date of possession, the mortgage will be forgiven on a monthly basis over the final three years of the four-year residency period starting from the day Title is transferred into the individual purchaser(s) name. No forgiveness will be granted if the dwelling is not completed within three years from the date of possession.
General Terms of Sale
Saskatoon Land is offering competitive payment for this phase. Specific terms applicable to these lots include:
- 0% interest for the first 18 months of the lot being under an agreement for sale
- After 18 months, a payment of 5% of the purchase price required to extend an additional 4 months and interest will accrue at 5% per annum.
- full payment of the lot is due in 22 months and no further extensions will be granted.
Possession of Land
All 60 lots will be sold with immediate possession.
Build Time Requirement
All lots purchased have a three-year requirement to complete construction. Construction may begin once possession of the lot is granted, utility servicing is complete and the roadways are completed to a gravel base. The three-year build requirement will commence from the date of possession. Construction includes final building inspection and completion of all deficiencies within this three-year time frame; if not met, no forgiveness of the mortgage will be granted. Contractors not meeting this requirement will be suspended from the Eligible Contractors List.
Property taxes become the responsibility of the purchaser(s) effective the first of the month following the latter of the date of the Agreement for Sale or the possession date on lots waiting for service completion. For an estimate of the taxes on the land only, please call Assessment Division at 306-975-3227.
Transfer of Title
The Transfer of Title will be issued in one of the following ways:
- under appropriate trust conditions, the Transfer will be forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor; or
- upon receipt of payment in full, the Transfer will be forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor.
Default or Voluntary Cancellation
An Agreement for Sale is defaulted when any of the terms are not met within the time of the agreement. In the event of cancellation or default, a $500 processing fee is charged plus a restocking fee for the time the purchaser has held the lot. The restocking fee is one percent of the purchase price of the lot plus GST, multiplied by the number of months (no charge for first 30 days) which have elapsed between the date of the Agreement for Sale and the date of the Quit Claim. The restocking fee is deducted from monies paid (i.e. down payment) and any remaining portion is refunded. Voluntary cancellation cannot occur once construction has begun or Title has been transferred into the purchaser(s) name.
Landscape & Driveway Requirement
Front yard landscaping and hard surfacing of front driveways is required to be completed within 18 months of building permit issuance in Phase 5 to improve the curb appeal of newly built dwellings in Kensington. Saskatoon Land offers a Rebate Program to lot purchasers to help with these projects. For lots sold in Phase 5 the following Rebate will apply:
- A rebate of $5,000 is available for builders or individual lot purchasers for the completion of both the front driveway surfacing and front yard landscaping within 18 months of the building permit issuance date.
The Rebate will only be issued to the original purchaser once completion, architectural inspection, and approval is granted on both the front driveway surfacing and front yard landscaping.
Please visit the Kensington Architectural Controls for more details on landscaping and driveway requirements.
Architectural Controls
Once a lot is purchased, please review the Kensington Phase 5 Architectural Controls and the Architectural Review Form. Building Plans must be submitted and approved by Saskatoon Land prior to applying for a Building Permit. Upon approval, Saskatoon Land will provide a letter of approval, sign the Architectural Review Form, and stamp the Building Plans. All these forms need to be submitted to the Building Standards Division as part of the Building Permit package. Complete information and approval by Saskatoon Land before applying for a Building Permit will ensure no Architectural Control delays in the Building Permit Process.
Please be advised that if the dwelling is constructed in violation of the Architectural Controls as approved and initialled in the Agreement for Sale, the City may take legal action to require compliance. Issuance of a Building Permit will not absolve the Purchaser from meeting this requirement. Such action could result in the demolition or partial demolition of the building at the expense of the Purchaser.
Nearby Multi-Unit Sites
Dwelling Group Townhouse Sites:
Parcel M on Kensington Boulevard
Street Townhouse Sites:
Parcel 226 on Nightingale Road
These sites will be subject to the Architectural Controls contained in the Architectural Controls for Multi-Unit Dwelling Districts.
If you require more information on zoning, please visit ( and search zoning bylaw, or contact the Planning and Development Division at 306-975-2645. The lots within this phase of Kensington are zoned R1A and R1B Districts. Please consult the City’s Zoning Bylaw for the development standards of these two districts. Please see the zoning map (Attachment 9 in the Phase 5 PDF Attachments) for more information.
Attached Garage Placement
In addition to the architectural controls noted above, for lots that require construction of an attached garage, a separate interest will be registered against the title of each single-unit lot indicating which side of the lot the garage must be placed against. The intent of this control is to pair garages together along a common property line in order to provide a better streetscape appearance and improved sightlines. The garage side placements are shown in the Lot Information Map (Attachment 10 in the Phase 5 PDF Attachments).
Corner Garage Placement
All corner lots that require an attached garage have the following caveat registered on title: The garage must be located on the side of the property that is furthest from the intersection.
Residential Care Homes - Type II, Pre-Schools and Discretionary Child Care Centres
Sites within the Kensington community have been pre-designated for development as Residential Care Homes – Type II, Pre-Schools, and Child Care Centres. A Residential Care Home – Type II is a care home in which the number of residents under care is more than five, and no more than fifteen. A Discretionary Child Care Centre is a child care facility having more than eight resident and non-resident children.
A Pre-School is a facility which provides a part-time program for pre-school aged children. The locations of sites for these uses have been spread throughout the community and among various phases of development. In general, these locations are adjacent to collector streets on corner lots in order to provide access to transit service and to mitigate and potential parking conflicts. Pre-designated lots will be offered for sale separately by tender as potential Residential Care Homes – Type II, Pre-Schools and Child Care Centres. If any of these lots do not sell within one year from the date of the original tender, the lots will be removed from the pre-designated list and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis for one of the permitted uses within the R1A zoning district.
There are no Residential Care Home lots located in or near Phase 5.
Decorative Aluminum Fence
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the side yard of:
- Lot 1, Block 230, Plan No. 102183601
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the rear yard of:
- Lots 12-14 & 23-25, Block 230, Plan No. 102183601
Lots that have decorative aluminum fencing are adjacent to a park space. The centre line of this fence is located approximately 250mm (10 inches) inside the purchaser’s property line. The inside edge of the structural pilings for this fence is located approximately 400mm (16 inches) inside the purchasers property line. The purchaser will be responsible for all future maintenance of the fence. The location of the fence should be taken into consideration when siting your house on the lot, and specifically with a side yard fence, when planning your basement excavation. Special attention should be considered to not disturb the structural pilings or other components of the fence during construction.
Example of Decorative Aluminum Fence. The above figure is shown for example purposes only.
Other Information
Lots are sold “As Is”. These terms are contained in the Agreement for Sale. The terms may change without notice. Any questions should be asked to ensure you understand the terms of your purchase.
Kensington Phase 6
Lot information Package Amendments
No amendments
Further detailed information can be found in the Phase 6 PDF Attachments. Click the button below.
Terms of Sale
Down Payment
A deposit equal to 10% of the purchase price plus 5% GST on the price of the lot (less the $3,000 lot draw application fee) and entrance into a Sale Agreement is required at the time of lot selection.
Residency Requirement
Lots purchased have a four-year residency requirement. The four-year period begins the same day title is transferred into the purchaser(s) name. The original purchaser(s) name must remain on title to maintain the four-year requirement.
Forgivable Mortgage
In connection with the residency requirement, a Forgivable Mortgage of $50,000, held by the City of Saskatoon, will be registered against title. In order to have the mortgage forgiven, the dwelling must be completed within the required three years from the date of possession. The mortgage will then be forgiven monthly over the final three years of the four-year residency period.
Eligible Contractors
A deposit equal to 10% of the purchase price plus 5% GST on the deposit amount is required at the time of lot selection and entrance into an Agreement for Sale.
Builders will be given a maximum of five business days after confirmation of lot selection to pay the deposit and sign the Agreement. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a loss of the sale, the lot being returned to inventory and a $500 processing fee per lot will be charged.
Resale of Lot
Lots are not to be resold. Builders are purchasing City lots to construct homes for potential homebuyers. If a lot is no longer required, please review the Cancellation Policy. Assignments may be permitted with notification and approval by Saskatoon Land. Sale of vacant land by the Builder will result in immediate and permanent suspension from purchasing.
All Purchasers
Payment Terms
Saskatoon Land is offering competitive payment terms for this phase. Specific terms applicable to these lots include:
• Down payment is required at the time of lot selection and entrance into an Agreement for Sale;
• Full payment of the lot is due within 24 months of possession with interest at 0% per annum; and
• Interest at the rate of 8% per annum will be charged on any amounts outstanding after the initial 24-month term.
Possession of Land
All lots will be sold with immediate possession.
Build-Time Requirement
All lots purchased have a three-year time requirement to complete construction. Construction may begin once possession of the lot is granted, utility servicing is complete and the roadways are at gravel base. The build requirement will commence from the date of possession. Construction includes a build substantially complete and ready for occupancy within the three-year time frame. Builders not meeting this requirement will be suspended from the Eligible Contractors list, and Individuals not meeting this requirement run the risk of the forgivable mortgage remaining on title.
Property taxes become the responsibility of the purchaser(s) effective the first of the month following the latter of the date of the Agreement for Sale or the possession date on lots awaiting servicing completion. For an estimate of the taxes on the land only, please call Assessment Department at 306-975-3227.
Transfer of Title
The Transfer of Title will be issued in one of the following ways:
• under the appropriate trust conditions, the Transfer will be forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor; or
• upon receipt of payment in full, the Transfer will be forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor.
Note: Transfer of Title will only be sent to the purchaser’s solicitor by way of the Office of the City Solicitor. Purchasers are not permitted to submit their own Transfer Authorization or to have anyone other than a solicitor act on their behalf for the transfer.
Default or Voluntary Cancellation
An Agreement for Sale is defaulted when any of the terms are not met within the time of the agreement. In the event of cancellation or default, a $500 processing fee is charged plus a restocking fee for the time the purchaser has held the lot. The restocking fee is one percent of the purchase price of the lot plus GST, multiplied by the number of months (no charge for first 30 days) which have elapsed between the date of the Agreement of Sale and the date of the Quit Claim. The restocking fee is deducted from monies paid (i.e. down payment) and any remaining portion is refunded. Voluntary cancellation cannot occur once construction has begun or Title has been transferred into the purchaser(s) name.
Landscaping & Driveway Requirements
Front yard landscaping and front driveway completion is mandatory in Phase 6 to improve the curb appeal of newly built dwellings in Kensington and, facilitate access/ parking on the property. Mandatory landscaping and driveway requirements are part of the Agreement for Sale and are administered through architectural controls. This requirement must be completed within 24 months of building permit issuance. Noncompliance with this requirement may result in suspensions from participation in future lot allocations and/or performance bonds being required on future purchases.
There will be no rebates issued for this phase.
Please visit the Kensington Architectural Controls for more details on landscaping and driveway requirements.
Architectural Controls
The builder will be required to review the Kensington Phase 6 Architectural Controls. Building Plans showing compliance with the Architectural Controls must be submitted and approved by Saskatoon Land prior to applying for a Building Permit. Upon approval, Saskatoon Land will provide an approval package with stamped Building Plans. The purchaser and/or builder needs to submit the approval package to the Building Standards Division as part of the Building Permit package. Complete information and approval by Saskatoon Land before applying for a Building Permit will ensure no Architectural Control delays in the Building Permit Review Process.
If you require more information on zoning, please see the City of Saskatoon Digital Zoning Bylaw, Zoning Bylaw No. 8770 or contact the Planning and Development Division at 306-975-2645. The lots within this phase of Kensington are zoned RMTN District. Please consult the City’s Zoning Bylaw for the development standards of this district. Please see the zoning map (Attachment 4) for more information.
Attached Garage Placement
For lots that require construction of an attached garage, a garage side is assigned. The intent of this control is to pair garages together along a common property line to provide a better streetscape appearance and improved sightlines. The garage side placements are shown in the Lot Information Map (Attachment 1).
Corner Garage Placement
All corner lots that require an attached garage have the following in the Agreement for Sale: The garage must be located on the side of the property that is furthest from the intersection. See Figure below.
Nearby Multi-Unit Sites
Dwelling Group Townhouse Sites:
- Parcels M on Kensington Boulevard
Stacked Group Townhouse Sites:
- Parcel N on Antonini Court
- Parcel L on Kensington Boulevard
- Parcel X on Kensington Lane South
Apartment Style Sites:
- Parcel W on Kensington Manor
- Parcel R on Antonini Court
These sites will be subject to the Architectural Controls contained in the Architectural Controls for Multi-Unit Dwelling Districts.
Decorative Aluminum Fence
A decorative aluminum fence without gates will be located in the rear yard of:
• Lots 1-11, Block 234, Plan No. 102408320
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the side yard of:
• Lot 11, Block 234, Plan No. 102408320
Fencing will be installed in the Spring/Summer of 2024.
Lots that have decorative aluminum fencing are adjacent to a park space or drainage parcel. The centre line of this fence is located approximately 250mm (10 inches) inside the purchaser’s property line. The inside edge of the structural pilings for this fence is located approximately 400mm (16 inches) inside the purchaser’s property line. The homeowner will be responsible for all future maintenance of the fence. The location of the fence should be taken into consideration when siting your house on the lot, specifically the side yard fence, when planning your basement excavation. Special attention should be considered to not disturb the structural pilings or other components of the fence during construction.
Example of Decorative Aluminum Fence. The above figure is shown for example purposes only.
Other Information
Lots are sold “As Is”. These terms are contained in the Agreement for Sale. The terms may change without notice. Any questions should be asked to ensure you understand the terms of your purchase.
Kensington Phase 7
Lot information Package Amendments
No amendments
Further detailed information can be found in the Phase 7 PDF Attachments. Click the button below.
Terms of Sale
Eligible Contractors
A deposit equal to 10% of the purchase price and entrance into a Sale Agreement is required.
Resale of Lot
Lots are not to be resold.
A deposit equal to 10% of the purchase price plus GST (5%) on the lot purchaser price, and an additional $7,500 (see 'Performance Bond' below) is required. All purchasers must attend Saskatoon Land office in person at the time the deposit is provided to sign the Sale Agreement.
NEW: Performance Bond
In addition to your deposit and GST, a separate $7,500 cheque is required at the time of entrance into a Sale Agreement. This will be deposited and held in a suspense account, to be returned to the purchaser upon completion of the architectural controls, driveway, and landscaping.
Residency Requirement
Lots purchased have a four-year residency requirement. The four-year period begins once the lot is paid in full. The original purchaser(s) name must remain on title to maintain the four-year requirement. No parties are to be added and/or removed.
Forgivable Mortgage
A Forgivable Mortgage of $50,000, held by the City of Saskatoon to enforce the build-time and residency requirements. Should the dwelling be completed within the required three years from the date of possession, the mortgage will then be forgiven on a monthly basis over the final three years of the four-year residency period starting from the day Title is transferred into the individual purchaser(s) name. No forgiveness will be granted if the dwelling is not completed within three years from the date of possession.
All Purchasers
Possession of Land
At the time of release, all lots will be sold through the Multi-Lot Allocation (MLA) and/or Lot Draw process with delayed possession.
Build-Time Requirement
All lots purchased have a three-year time requirement to complete construction. Construction may begin once possession of the lot is granted. The three-year build requirement will commence from the date of possession. Construction includes final building inspection and completion of all deficiencies within the three-year time frame; if not met, no forgiveness of the mortgage will be granted. Contractors not meeting this requirement will be suspended from the Eligible Contractors List.
Property taxes become the responsibility of the purchaser(s) effective the first of the month following the latter of the date of the Agreement for Sale or the possession date on lots awaiting servicing completion. For an estimate of the taxes on the land only, please call Assessment Department at 306-975-3227.
Transfer of Title
The Transfer of Title will be issued in one of the following ways:
• under the appropriate trust conditions, the Transfer will be forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor; or
• upon receipt of payment in full, the Transfer will be forwarded to the purchaser’s solicitor.
If the Purchaser is not in default in the performance of any of the covenants or conditions here under and, if the Land is vacant and is free and clear of all encumbrances except the mortgage in favour of the Vendor, they may terminate this Agreement at any time within the 12 months from the effective date of this Agreement by executing and delivering to the Vendor a Quit Claim ($500 Processing Fee) in a form satisfactory to the solicitor for the Vendor. In the event of such termination as aforesaid, the Purchaser forfeits the Lot Deposit plus one (1 %) percent of the Cash Purchase Price multiplied by the number of months (pro-rated to include any days in excess of the first 30 days) which have elapsed between the effective date of the Agreement and the date on which the Quit Claim is delivered to the Vendor plus Goods and Services Tax thereon.
Landscaping & Driveway Requirements
Front yard landscaping, front driveways, and side yard landscaping (if property is on a highly visible corner lot) is mandatory in Phase 7 to improve the curb appeal of newly built dwellings in Kensington and, facilitate parking on the property. Mandatory landscaping and driveway requirements are part of the Agreement for Sale and are administered through architectural controls. This requirement must be completed within 24 months of building permit issuance. Noncompliance with this requirement may result in suspensions from participation in future lot allocations, holding performance bond, or termination from the Eligible Builders List.
There will be no rebates issued for this phase (Phase 7).
Please visit the Kensington Architectural Controls for more details on landscaping and driveway requirements.
Architectural Controls
Once a lot is purchased, please review the Kensington Phase 7 Architectural Controls and the Architectural Review Form. Building Plans showing compliance with the Architectural Controls must be submitted and approved by Saskatoon Land prior to applying for a Building Permit. Upon approval, Saskatoon Land will provide a letter of approval, sign the Architectural Review Form, and stamp the Building Plans. All these forms need to be submitted to the Building Standards Division as part of the Building Permit package. Complete information and approval by Saskatoon Land before applying for a Building Permit will ensure no Architectural Control delays in the Building Permit Review Process.
Any Eligible Contractor that purchases a lot and fails to comply with all architectural control requirements (which includes front yard landscaping and driveway completion) may be suspended from further lot allocations and be subject to provision of a $7,500 performance bond for each non-compliant property in Kensington Phase 7. This bond will be applicable on all future purchases until the original property and all other properties picked up at the same time have complied with the architectural control requirements.
Individuals that purchase a lot will be required to provide a $7,500 letter of credit at the time of Agreement signing for each lot. The letter of credit will be released upon confirmation of architectural controls being met and inspection of driveway and front yard landscaping (completed within 24 months of the building permit issuance).
In instances where the dwelling is constructed in violation of the Architectural Controls as approved and initialed in the Agreement for Sale, the City may take legal action to ensure compliance. Issuance of a Building Permit will not absolve the Purchaser from meeting this requirement. Such action could result in the demolition or partial demolition of the building at the expense of the purchaser.
If you require more information on zoning, please see the City of Saskatoon Digital Zoning Bylaw, Zoning Bylaw No. 8770 or contact the Planning and Development Division at 306-975-2645. The lots within this phase of Kensington are zoned RMTN District. Please consult the City’s Zoning Bylaw for the development standards of this district. Please see the zoning map (Attachment 4) for more information.
Attached Garage Placement
For lots that require construction of an attached garage, a garage side is assigned. The intent of this control is to pair garages together along a common property line to provide a better streetscape appearance and improved sightlines. The garage side placements are shown in the Lot Information Map (Attachment 1).
Corner Garage Placement
All corner lots that require an attached garage have the following in the Agreement for Sale: The garage must be located on the side of the property that is furthest from the intersection. See Figure below.
Nearby Multi-Unit Sites
- Parcels M on Kensington Boulevard
- Parcel 226 on Nightingale Road
These sites will be subject to the Architectural Controls contained in the Architectural Controls for Multi-Unit Dwelling Districts.
Decorative Aluminum Fence
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the rear yard of:
• Lots 1-11, Block 231, Plan No. 102439346
A decorative aluminum fence will be located in the side yard of:
• Lot 70 & 70A, Block 103, Plan No. 102439346
• Lot 51, Block 109, Plan No. 102439346
• Lot 1, Block 110, Plan No. 102439346
• Lot 139, Block 228, Plan No. 102439346
• Lot 37, Block 230, Plan No. 102439346
Fencing will be installed in 2025.
Lots that have decorative aluminum fencing are adjacent to a park space or drainage parcel. The centre line of this fence is located approximately 250mm (10 inches) inside the purchaser’s property line. The inside edge of the structural pilings for this fence is located approximately 400mm (16 inches) inside the purchaser’s property line. The homeowner will be responsible for all future maintenance of the fence. The location of the fence should be taken into consideration when siting your house on the lot, specifically the side yard fence, when planning your basement excavation. Special attention should be considered to not disturb the structural pilings or other components of the fence during construction.
Example of Decorative Aluminum Fence. The above figure is shown for example purposes only.
Other Information
Lots are sold “As Is”. These terms are contained in the Agreement for Sale. The terms may change without notice. Any questions should be asked to ensure you understand the terms of your purchase.
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Lot Grading
Lot grading is the slope of the lot in order to provide good drainage away from the buildings in such a way that surface runoff from rainstorms or snowmelt is directed toward the storm sewer. Runoff is controlled through the use of side and back of lot swales to eliminate or minimize the impact on adjacent properties and to ensure proper overland drainage.
Complete development of all lots in an area may occur over a number of years and, unfortunately, some purchasers landscape their lot without proper consideration for the designated overland drainage pattern of the area. Early development does not preclude a homeowner’s responsibility to maintain this drainage pattern. If a homeowner obstructs drainage in any way, thereby creating a flooding problem for neighbours upstream, that homeowner must correct the situation at their own expense. Similarly, a lot should not be landscaped below design grades otherwise flooding may occur. In addition to this section please refer to the Residential Property Lot Grading Guidelines.
Lot Grade Details
The following information has been prepared to assist the homeowner and contractor in setting the house elevations and final lot grades. Details are provided in the attachment drawings for each respective phase.
- Lot grading types are shown on attachment drawings including a three-dimensional view and side view of the grading type;
- Lot grade drawings in the attachment drawings show the final design elevations at property corners and at other points that are deemed critical elevation points. It is important that builders and purchasers match these grades with final landscaping elevations. These elevations are required as a minimum for building plan approval; and
- A drawing showing a cross-section of a typical side yard fence and side yard grading that will not impede side yard drainage.
During the initial stages of subdivision development, all streets, easements, lanes, and walkways are pre-graded to design elevations set to accommodate drainage throughout the area. In the case of the utility easements, the grade is constructed approximately 100mm (4 inches) below the final design grade, which allows the homeowner to add topsoil without creating drainage problems for neighbouring yards.
Once dwelling construction is complete, lot grading is a two-step procedure. The first step is the rough grade stage, which includes backfilling the foundation walls and shaping the lot to conform to the pre-grade drainage plan. When rough grading is complete, the lot should be within 7 to 20cm (3 to 8 inches) below the final design grade to allow for the addition of topsoil (4 to 6 inches). Once the lot is at the final design grade, topsoil and sod, wood chips, or other surface treatments can be installed.
It is strongly recommended that purchasers consult a legal surveyor or other qualified professional to get the final grade elevations to their lot before landscaping is started.
Grading Between Lots
A sloped surface is required to effectively drain water away from the foundation walls, including under steps and decks in order to reduce the risk of water entering the basement during rainfalls or snowmelt. See figure below. Drainage swales are shallow sloped channels intended to move surface runoff away from lots toward the storm sewers. On the attachment drawings, drainage swales are shown on common property lines and should be graded in accordance with the Lot Grade Drawings.
If wood chips are to be used in the drainage swale the grade below this treatment must be at the final grade elevation to facilitate proper runoff to the storm sewer.
Lot Grading Do’s & Don’ts
- Do require construction plans to include finished grade elevations around the dwelling foundation and along property lines. Do not leave your dwelling and site grading to chance. Building Standards requires the submission of the lot corner elevations on the site plan submitted for building permit approval. It is strongly recommended that the plans also include finished elevations along the foundation and garage grade beam, garage slab, foundation windows, side property lines, edge of driveways and sidewalks (particularly along the side of the dwelling), and the top and bottom of any retaining feature.
- Do use a level to set the finished grades along the property line, particularly before installing sidewalks and fencing.
- Do discuss with adjacent property owners’ final drainage grades along the property line. Proper lot drainage requires cooperation of adjacent purchasers.
- Do undertake a final site inspection of easements, side yard and sidewalks with each sub-trade prior to releasing final payment.
- Please disregard any grade elevation information displayed on electrical pedestals and transformer boxes.
- Don’t excavate into the easement or berm. These contain critical utilities vital to the community.
- Don’t fill the rear easement, as this will block the intended drainage.
- Don’t build raised flowerbeds against the fence/property lines without making provisions for drainage (see attachment drawings).
- Don’t try to build HIGHER than both adjacent neighbours. This leads to expensive provisions for retaining walls, and frequent flooding of neighbouring properties.
For more information, please contact Gerald Prefontaine, Drainage Inspector, Transportation and Utilities at 306-975-2320.
Walkout Basement Lots (Kensington Boulevard, McArthur Lane & Antonini Court)
Some of the lots in Phases 3, 4 and 6 have been graded to accommodate the inclusion of a walkout basement into the design of the home. Walkout basement lots are noted with a “W” on the Lot Information Maps in the attachment drawings. While the “W” lots will accommodate walkout basements, other lots will not. Between walkout basement lots and non-walkout basement lots there are transitional lot areas where the back lot grades slope increases successively on each lot until walkout basements can be accommodated. The grading design for this area is shown in the attachment drawings. It is very important to review these plans to determine how your lot has been designed to slope.
If there are any questions about this information, they should be directed to Saskatoon Land at 306-975-LAND. The Lot Grade Drawings in the attachment drawings also provide important information indicating the specific final design elevations that must be maintained at property corners along the front and rear property lines. Lots identified on the map as Walkout Basement Lots (“W”) must be constructed on these lots, and, in Phase 3, Walkout Basement Lots (“W”) are subject to the Building Restriction Caveat stating “All dwellings shall be constructed with direct access from the basement level to the backyard (“walkout unit”). Lots not identified with the “W” may not support walkout basements. It is strongly recommended that all purchasers discuss their plans to develop their homes with their neighbours, in these areas in particular, to ensure that the grades between the houses will meet both of the neighbours needs. Retaining walls or other means may be necessary if one neighbour intends to build a walkout lot in an area where the grades transition from walkout to conventional. The cost of the retaining walls or other associated work is the responsibility of the neighbour who changes grades from their current Design Contour Plan shown in the attachment drawings. Saskatoon Land will not be responsible for the cost of retaining walls or other associated work to accommodate grade variance along property boundaries from their current design shown on the Design Contour Plans in the attachment drawings. The intent is that all areas have been graded approximately 100mm (4 inches) below final grade and that no additional grading would be required along the side and rear property line.
Foundation Drainage
In addition to this section, please refer to the Residential Property Lot Grading Guidelines.
Foundation Drainage (Weeping Tile) Requirements
- The bottom of every exterior foundation wall shall be drained as per the National Building Code. Connection of foundation drains of all buildings to the sanitary sewer collection system will not be permitted.
Discharge of Foundation Drainage Water
- All buildings are required to drain foundation water into a sump, which in turn discharges the water to the surface or to a storm sewer.
Surface Discharge
- Sump pumps discharging to surface may not discharge directly onto a pervious ground surface within one metre of any building that has a basement or a level below the finished ground surface.
- The location of the point of discharge shall be directed away from adjacent properties. If the lot is split drainage (Type D), surface discharge may drain either to the front or back yard. If the lot drains from the back to the front (Type A), surface discharge must be to front yard. The discharge may not be into the area of the required side yard setback unless the side yard is adjacent to a street, park or buffer strip.
Discharge to Storm Sewer
- Sumps discharging to storm sewers shall be pumped to the main by a pressure service connection as per Figure below.
Sump Design Criteria - Sump Pit Details
- As per National Building Code, sump pits are to be a minimum of 750mm deep and 0.25 square metres in area.
- Sump pit is to be fitted with a tight fitting removable cover.
- Sump pit will be constructed of concrete, plastic, or non-corrosive metal.
- Sump pit is to be fitted with an opening to accept a 100mm drain with the invert of the pipe located above centre of the sump pit height.
- Sump pit is to be placed on an even, well compacted surface.
Foundation Drainage (Weeping Tile) To Sump Pit
- A weeping tile collection system shall be provided around the building perimeter and tied to a sump pit using a positively graded, non-perforated, 100mm pipe which discharges into the side of the pit.
- Provision shall be made to ensure soil gas is prevented from entering the dwelling unit through the weeping tile and through the sump pit.
Sump Pump
- Provide a sump pump (column of submersible type) capable of pumping 50 L/m at three metres of head.
- The pump shall be fitted with an automatic on/off level control.
- The pump discharge must have a minimum pipe diameter of 32mm. The pipe must be adequately secured.
- Sump pumps connected directly to a storm sewer must be equipped with a spring-check valve and shut-off valve located downstream of the check valve, so that the connection to the main can be isolated from maintenance.
In order to provide wayfinding in the community, please post your civic address at the front of the property when construction begins. Civic addresses can be found for each lot using the Interactive Map on the Saskatoon Land website.
Landscaping City Boulevard
Purchasers are encouraged to landscape and maintain the boulevard along the front of their property and along the side of corner lots. Landscaped boulevards can create beautiful and diverse streetscapes, add character to communities, and increase feelings of community pride and safety.
Boulevards are defined as the landscaping space between the edge of the roadway and the property lines. Where the sidewalk is not attached to the curb, the boulevard is the space between the curb and the sidewalk and the sidewalk and the property line (see Figure below). Where the sidewalk is attached to the curb, the boulevard is the space between the sidewalk and the property line (see Figure below). These areas are required to be landscaped with a number of materials (for example: sod, established grass seed mix, paving stones, trees*, and gardens*). Please refrain from using materials that have height or mass and could restrict views or damage car doors when opening (for example: boulders).
In order to qualify for the landscape portion of Saskatoon Land’s Rebate Program, the boulevard must be landscaped.
Antonini Court
Please note that boulevard width along Lots 1-28, Block 233 on Antonini Court is larger at 4.56m than the typical boulevard space of 1m. This additional boulevard will need to be landscaped and driveways will need to be poured up to the sidewalk.
Boulevard Tree and Garden Planting
The Plant by Request Program is available to purchasers to request to have a tree planted in an available planting site on the boulevard. To inquire further regarding the Plant by Request Program, please contact Urban Forestry, Community Services at 306-975-2890.
The City of Saskatoon allows for gardening on City boulevards. For more information please review the City of Saskatoon’s Boulevard Gardening & Maintenance Guidelines and complete the Boulevard Garden Agreement. To inquire further regarding the Boulevard Gardening and Maintenance Guidelines please contact Sustainability at 306-986-3733.
Construction Notes
Starting Construction
Possession of the site is granted for construction purposes when the down payment has been received, finalizing the Agreement for Sale. In order to assist the utility companies, please post your civic address at the front of the property when construction begins.
Construction Access
Please respect the construction access points. Diefenbaker Drive and Centennial Drive are NOT a permitted access point to this phase of Kensington. Access to individual lots in this phase shall be off of Kensington Boulevard via 22nd Street West or Kensington Gate West via Neault Road.
Disclosure of Adjacent Property Owners
Please note in order to facilitate discussions between property owners respecting lot grading, fencing issues and property maintenance issues, Saskatoon Land will, upon request, disclose the names and contact information of purchasers to adjacent property owners.
Construction Waste
As per City of Saskatoon Bylaw No. 8310, The Waste Bylaw, 2004 any owner or contractor carrying out the construction of a building on any property shall place all waste into a waste container or enclosure. The owner or contractor shall dispose of all waste resulting from the construction in a timely manner so as to ensure there is no unreasonable accumulation of waste on the property during the construction. It is required that a waste disposal bin remain on each building site for the duration of construction in order to ensure that the waste is not dispersed on or around the property or surrounding properties. Upon completion of construction, it is the owner or the contractor’s responsibility to clear their site of all waste. If the waste is not removed, the City may remove the waste and all associated costs will be charged to the property owner or the contractor.
Earth Disposal
Builders and individuals will be responsible for disposing of their own excess earth material. The clean fill site located at the former Yarrow Youth Farm land will be open to accept clean fill material. Builders can contact Tannis Murdock about disposal to this site and to obtain access at 306-975-1476. Builders can contact the City of Saskatoon Landfill as they may accept clean fill free of charge during normal hours of operation, 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. daily. If arrangements are made with another landowner to dispose of the material anywhere within the city limits, they are to contact Central Dispatch at 306-975-2491 and they will maintain a log of locations. If disposing of material outside the city limits within the RM of Corman Park, the RM must be notified of those arrangements.
Please ensure basement excavations and all other construction waste materials are not deposited on adjacent properties or any other properties in this area without prior arrangements being made. Regular inspections of the area will be done and any individual or company found illegally disposing of materials on properties without the owner’s permission shall be liable to fines up to $25,000 as outlined in the City of Saskatoon Anti-Dumping Bylaw No. 5713.
Topsoil for Lot Landscaping
Builders may contact Saskatoon Land to see if topsoil is available free of charge for their property in the area. Please call Saskatoon Land at 306-975-LAND for up to date information on topsoil availability. Topsoil is not to be removed from other lots, boulevards, parks, or any other open spaces in the community.
Park Access Not Permitted
If the purchased lot is adjacent to parks and/or buffer areas approval is required before access is allowed through any park or easement for any purpose. This ensures all public property is maintained at a standard acceptable for the public to use and enjoy safely. Repair and clean-up are the responsibility of the Builder or homeowner and must meet the specifications as laid out in the City of Saskatoon Specifications: Parks. Any repairs or clean-ups not satisfying these standards will be completed by the Parks Division or a contractor assigned by a City department and billed back to the property owner.
If the park and/or buffer is, or appears to be, under construction please contact Saskatoon Land at 306-975-LAND.
If the park and/or buffer is completed you must apply for a Park Access Permit through the Parks Division. For more information contact the City of Saskatoon, Parks Division at 306-975-3300.
Sidewalk Irrigation Sleeve – Kensington Boulevard
If you wish to extend your irrigation system into the space between the curb and the sidewalk along Kensington Boulevard, a plastic sleeve (75 mm RPVC pipe) has been installed underground crossing the sidewalk for your use. You can install your irrigation system through the sleeve in order to access the boulevard on the other side of the sidewalk. A small “V” has been stamped into the edge of the sidewalk indicating the location of the sleeve. You will find the empty pipe approximately 340mm beneath the sidewalk. Please see the City of Saskatoon Separate Sidewalk Irrigation Sleeve detail for more information.
Temporary Water Circulation Boxes
To ensure water quality is maintained throughout the initial stages of development in this phase; blue temporary water circulation boxes are installed on some properties. These temporary water circulation boxes are removed during the installation of the water and sewer connection to the house.
For more information, please contact the Construction and Design Division 306-975-2454.
Construction of Garage Pads
Please be advised that, as per the National Building Code, foundations for detached garages 55 m² (492 ft²) and larger must be designed by a design professional (engineer or architect) licensed to consult in The Province of Saskatchewan. The sealed design must be accompanied with a Letter of Commitment for field review. Garage Pads must not be constructed on rear lot easements. In addition, a utility corridor of 1.2 to 1.5 metres should be provided along the side property line for utility installations.
Centralized Community Mail Boxes
Canada Post will provide mail delivery service to the community through centralized Community Mail Boxes. For proposed locations of these mailboxes please refer to the Interactive Map for mailbox locations.
Shallow Utilities
Laned Lot
Crown Utility Corporations have introduced a Joint Servicing Initiative that includes the installation of gas, electric and communications in a common trench from the main line to the building. This approach achieves efficiencies for the installation of the service lines and addresses the challenges associated with space constraints.
Information on the Joint Servicing Initiative and a site check readiness sheet, which lists the items required prior to the installation of services to your home are provided in the attachment drawings for each respective phase. For further information on your shallow utilities services, please contact the appropriate utility agency (SaskPower, SaskEnergy, Sasktel or Shaw Cable).
In addition, for lots with lanes, please see the attachment drawings for each respective phase. The illustration will provide a guide to how SaskPower and SaskEnergy typically provide underground services to each lot.
Utility pedestals and transformers must be accessible from the rear lane and be located outside the private property fence.
Standard Lot
For further information on your shallow utility services, please contact the appropriate utility agency (SaskPower, SaskEnergy, Sasktel or Shaw Cable).
Curb Stop Visibility Requirement
Saskatoon Water requires all developers and builders ensure markers showing the location of a curb stop are clearly visible to meter installers. Please see the Meter Installation Specific Drawing. As of Monday, November 22, 2021, water meter connection services will be denied if a marker is not exposed and visible.
Lower back and strain injuries sometimes occur when an installer must dig excessively to locate and expose a curb stop. By ensuring pipe markers are clearly visible, medical aid and lost time due to injury can be avoided.
Cooperation on this new requirement is very much appreciated. It will make water meter installations safer and more efficient.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Saskatoon Water Meter Department at 306-975-2538.
Environmental Incentives
Saskatoon Land is offering the following environmental incentive to home builders and individuals to promote environmentally sustainable building and household practices:
- To promote more energy efficient homes, a $500 administrative cost rebate will be offered to home builders and individuals for homes that are certified through the ENERGY STAR® Qualified program, the Energuide for New Homes 80 (EGNH80) program or the LEED Canada for homes program.
General Information
33rd Street Extension
The realignment and construction of 33rd Street has been completed up to Neault Road (Dalmeny Road).
Core Park
Lions Century Park is located within the centre of the community and is designed to host everything from a quiet stroll to a lively soccer game. The core park is connected to the north and south of Kensington through a linear park system. More information on Lions Century Park can be found here.
Possible School Sites
The future possible school sites are located just off the core park, at the intersection of Nightingale Road and Kensington Boulevard. The Ministry of Education and local school boards will decide whether schools are to be built and, if so, on the eventual configuration of the site.
Mahoney Park Village Square
The Kensington Village Square is approximately one acre in size and is envisioned as an attractive place for community residents to gather for informal meetings, barbeques, community events and to go and relax in a local setting. Examples of recently completed squares include the Hampton Village and Willowgrove Village Squares. The Village Square is located within the centre of the community, just west of Phase 4. The location of the Village Square is located on the Kensington Neighbourhood Concept Plan Figure.