Evergreen Architectural Controls
It is important to build homes that are appropriate for the size and grade of the lot. There are a variety of lot types in Evergreen, which will need to be designed for accordingly. Each of the lot types has its own development controls that are registered on each individual land title.
Architectural Control Application Form
These controls apply to lots regardless of the phase and lot type and are in addition to the controls found in "Architectural Controls By Phase & Lot Type" section below.
In addition to the controls noted below, for lots that require the construction of an attached garage, a separate interest will be registered against the title of each single-unit lot indicating which side of the lot the garage must be placed against. The intent of this control is to pair garages together against a common property line in order to provide a better streetscape appearance. The garage side placements are shown in the attached Lot Information Map.
All corner lots that require an attached garage have the following caveat registered on title: The garage must be located on the side of the property that is furthest from the intersection. the image below demonstrates the permitted options for the placement of an attached garage on a corner lot.
In addition to the controls outlined above, each phase and lot has specific architectural controls. To Find your lot, click on the appropriate phase of the neighbourhood to learn more.
Phase 7
Johns Road
Lots 10, Block 647
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a bungalow, bi-level or split- level dwelling;
- 1,500 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum double-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 5.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- The roof of the principal dwelling shall have a minimum 6-in-12 pitch; and
- Brick, stone or manufactured stone, requiring a masonry application, will be required on the front elevation of all dwellings. Masonry application must be a minimum of 100 square feet in area, and where the masonry application meets a building corner, it must be returned 24 inches around the building corner.
Arscott Crescent
Note: the following lots do not have a roof slope requirement. Therefore homes with flat roofs and roof slopes shallower than a 6-in-12 pitch may be constructed on any of these lots. These lots are clearly marked by colour coding on the sales map included in the Lot Information Package (located below).
Lots 6 to 8, Block 664
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which has an above-grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a bungalow, bi-level or split- level dwelling;
- 1,500 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling;
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum double-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 5.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long; and
- Brick, stone or manufactured stone, requiring masonry application, will be required on the front elevation of all dwellings. Masonry application must be a minimum of 100 square feet in area and where the masonry application meets a building corner, it must be returned 24 inches around the building corner.
Phase 8
Boykowich Crescent
The following development controls pertain to larger lots fronting onto Boykowich Crescent and are graded for Walkout Units:
Lots 2 & 4, Block 672
Lots 3 & 5, Block 673
- No dwelling shall be constructed on any of the lots which have an above grade floor area (excluding attached decks, patios and garages) less than:
- 1,200 square feet in the case of a bungalow, bi-level or split-level dwelling;
- 1,500 square feet in the case of a two-storey dwelling.
- All dwellings must be constructed with a minimum double-wide attached garage. The garage must be constructed at the same time as the dwelling is built. Minimum inside dimensions shall be 5.4 metres wide and 6.0 metres long;
- The roof of the principal dwelling shall have a minimum 6-in-12 pitch;
- Brick, stone or manufactured stone, requiring a masonry application will be required on the front elevation of all dwellings. Masonry application must be a minimum of 100 square feet in area, and where the masonry application meets a building corner, it must be returned 24 inches around the building corner; and
- All dwellings shall be constructed with direct access from the basement level to the backyard ("walkout units").
Although the development controls for each respective lot are listed in the Lot Information Package, please review the Development Controls listed in your “Agreement for Sale”. This will help to ensure that your understanding of the Development Controls as listed in the Lot Information Package is in agreement with the Development Controls as listed in your “Agreement for Sale”.
Please be advised that if the dwelling is constructed in violation of the Development Controls set out in the Agreement of Sales and as registered on Title as a Building Restrictive Covenant, the City may take legal action to require compliance. Issuance of a Building Permit will not absolve the Purchaser from meeting this requirement. Such action could result in the demolition or partial demolition of the building at the expense of the Purchaser.
Lot Information Packages
Please review the Lot Information Package for more details:
Phase 7 Lot Information Package & Phase 7 Lot Information Package Addendum 1
Phase 8 Lot Information Package & Phase 8 Lot Information Package Addendum 1
Saskatoon Land’s approval of dwelling plans is required prior to the submission of a building permit application. Builders are encouraged to meet with Saskatoon Land during the design stage to avoid potential delays.
The following information must be submitted to Saskatoon Land prior to the submission of a Building Permit Application:
- Completed Application Form with garage door image or brochure for attached garages and highly visible garages.
- One digital copy of the dwelling drawing package, including:
- site plan: property boundary, dwelling and garage location, garage pad and apron (if required), driveway and landscaping requirements that extend to the curb on the boulevard;
- floor plans;
- dwelling elevations: all exterior dwelling materials and square footage must be identified on the elevation plans; and
- drawings package should be unlocked and in PDF format.
To avoid delays, application forms and dwelling plans should be submitted to Saskatoon Land well in advance of applying for a Building Permit. Incomplete submissions will be set back or held until the complete application is submitted. Plans will be reviewed for adherence to the architectural controls, and Saskatoon Land may contact the applicant to discuss any required revisions. Plans which do not meet all the architectural controls will be reviewed by Saskatoon Land’s Design Review Committee. The Design Review Committee’s decision is final, and any revisions will be required to be made before approval.
Upon approval of the drawing set, Saskatoon Land will issue an approval letter to the applicant. Following this, builders may apply for their respective Building Permit. At the building permit stage, Saskatoon Land may review the Building Permit drawings again to ensure they are substantially consistent with the plans submitted during the architectural controls review process.
Periodically, Saskatoon Land will inspect the project to ensure it is in substantial accordance with the approved plans. Builders/homeowners will be responsible for correcting any deficiencies to dwelling elevations that deviate from the approved architectural control plans.
All dwellings must pass architectural inspection.
Architectural Control Application FormPlease fill out the application form and send via email to: landarchcontrols@saskatoon.ca